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Adam woke up to find himself in a strange place. It was a room carved out from a rock, a sepulcher. He couldn't believe he has been asleep here for thousands of years. He looked around to know if anyone was there with him; there wasn't, he was alone. He stood up and went outside. It looked like a garden but more of a forest. It wasn't as beautiful as the Garden of Eden. His memory went back to the event that happened thousands of years ago. The woman had given him the forbidden fruit which he collected. He knew he was disobeying his father and creator but what Lucifer told the woman was what caught his attention. Who wouldn't want to be like God? He wanted to know what was good and bad, things about the earth, he just wanted to know everything, it was all a mystery to him, the sun, the moon, the earth, the universe. But everything had a price. They paid the price with their perfect body, their everlasting life. He remembered they aged and died, but what was he doing here. He saw a stream and knelt down before it to take a look at his face. The reflection wasn't quite clear because of the flowing stream. He stretched out his hand and the water stopped flowing and became still. He looked at his reflection: he was quite young. Dark eyes partly covered with long hairs that touched his ankles. He knew he has gotten his perfect body back but not the mind. His father has created him with a perfect body and mind, but he knew deep within him that the pure mind was lost forever. He released the water and it started flowing. He stood straight and observed his surroundings. Someone was coming! He could feel it. He quickly made himself invisible and watched with keen interest to know who it was.


"Evelyn wait, wait a minute, I don't think we are supposed to leave the team. Our team leader will really get angry with us", Alex muttered, trying to keep up with the pace of her friend. They had come to Aokigahara forest, located at Mount Fuji, Japan on a school trip. This forest also known as suicide forest was one of the deadliest and feared place on earth. It was said that people came here to commit suicide. It's also known as a ghost forest. There wasn't any building around or any sign of human life except from the guards who showed them around the place so they've been advised to stick to each other. No one was allowed to leave the team. But the adventurous Evelyn would never stick to the rules. She had overheard her talking to the team leader who was also their geography teacher about going deeper into the heart of the continent but felt her disappointment when the leader refused and dismissed her to her tent. When she saw Evelyn this morning with her camera, water and some snacks packed into her small bag she knew her friend was up to something. She had tried to stop her but all her attempts couldn't discourage her, so she decided to follow her. "Just a walk around and some few pictures will do", she had said. But this was more than a walk around. They've been walking for more than an hour now and she wasn't going to stop any sooner.

"Alex we are almost there, just a few steps and I'll be done, ok?"

"Evelyn that's what you've been saying for the past one hour, your few steps is just like a thousand steps. I'm sure they must have noticed that we are missing by now".

"We can just tell them we went to relieve ourselves right? No one will scold us for that, even the leader will un....." Evelyn stopped talking and was staring at something.

Alex followed her gaze and her eyes fell on a cave. It was a sight to behold. The rocks were shiny and it emitted a glow. The sunlight reflected on it. Evelyn took out her camera and started taking pictures. She started to go in but Alex held her.

"Don't tell me you plan to go in there?" Alex asked with a fearful look on her face.

"Hey little girl, c'mon It's just a cave, let's go and see what's inside".

Ever since they were kids, Alex has been the fearful one and she has been the brave and daring little girl. Her bravery was what she got from her dad and the good looks from her mom. But that doesn't make her dad ugly or her mom a coward. Her mom was brave and strong too. But her bravery was in her heart, a strong heart that can endure and carry so many burdens without showing it on the outside. Her mom (Helen) was someone that will always use a smile to cover her pain. Her Dad (Raymond) too was good looking. She had heard multiple stories from mom on how she lost all her friends when he proposed to her. She never knew they were jealous of her relationship with him. They had tried to get his attention but to no avail. So when he proposed to her, they left her. She remembered a story her mom once told her. They had gone to Miami for their honeymoon and were about to book for a room in one of the hotels there. Her dad had seen one of his old time friends and after he had introduced mom to him, she had left them to catch things up. She went over to the counter to book for their room. The lady there looked like someone that was been forced to do the job. Either the pay wasn't up to her expectation or she just wasn't in a good mood that day. She was done with the payment and was about to collect their room number when dad walked up to the counter. Immediately the lady saw her dad she brightened up with a seductive smile.

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