First Sight

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(Y/n's POV)

School ends and I walk outside when Chloe runs past me and my books fall out of my hand. I start picking them up when Adrien comes.

"Hey, let me help you" He starts to help me and then he notices...

"Wait, you're the girl who ran into me right?" Oh god he knew it was me I am so screwed.

"Oh um yeah that's me haha. Sorry about that. " I feel so embarrassed. I smile awkwardly. He hands me my books and I start to rush away, I don't wanna spend another second with him.

"Wait! What's your name? I'm Adrien by the way." I stop. What do I do now? He seems nice, but he is friends with Chloe. Maybe I should give him a chance...

"Y/n" I smile and quickly walk away sending a quick wave at Adrien, while he sends me one back.

~Time Skip~

I enter my apartment. No sight of my mom. She is probably still at work. I make myself some lunch.

I finish my lunch and decide to go on a walk. While walking I feel the ground shaking under me. Suddenly I feel myself rising to the sky. I look down and see a big green leaf under me continuing to rise to the sky.

I close my eyes and I start to panic. I feel myself running out of breath. I know this feeling. I'm going to have a panic attack. I try to breathe normally but the next second I start to fall down because the plant disappeared. But someone catches me. I slowly open my eyes and see a boy with a black cat costume holding me. I look up and at that second my E/C eyes meet his beautiful green ones. I stare at them and I feel something. Like all of my problems disappeared that moment. I start to calm down. No one has ever made me feel this safe and calm before.

He breaks the contact first, making me come out of the trance.

"Are you okay?" he asks me. I can hear a little worried tone in his voice.

"Uh, yeah..y-yeah. I'm okay. Thanks."

"For what?".

"For saving me."

"Ohh, that. No problem. It's not like it's a big deal for me." he answers with a little grin on his face.

"He has got a cocky attitude. I see." I think to myself.

"Chat! Where are you! I need a little help here!" I hear someone yell.

"Coming in a few!" He shouts to the girl. "Sorry, that's Ladybug. I'm Chat Noir. My pleasure." he bows, takes my hand and kisses it. I feel butterflies in my stomach and I start to blush a little. "Now let's get you out of here to safety.".

He wraps his arm around my waist and uses his staff to move on the rooftops. He brings me to a dark alley and puts me down. He places his hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure your okay?" I look at him. And again! Here we are. That feeling again. I haven't felt this before though. "Y-Yeah I'm okay. Thank you." He smiles at me, gives me a two fingered salute and uses his staff once again to get to the fight scene.

Now I have time to think clearly.

"So they must be the Paris heroes. I have heard many tales and stories about them. Ladybug and Chat Noir. I wonder if they have something more than friendship going on between them.. I wouldn't have a change with Chat anyway..." I think to myself.

~Time skip~

The loud bangs finally stopped and I heard a female voice yelling "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!". After that there was silence and I saw Chat approaching me on his staff.

"Sorry about that. Miss..?" He looks at me grinning. I quickly think to myself. "I think he wants to know my name.."

"Y/n...Y/n L/n." I smile at him and feel my face turning as red as a tomato.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/n." He smirks and winks at me.  "I hope you weren't too scared to be alone." He chuckles to himself.

"W-What no! I wasn't scared it was just very boring. And I can't go home because I have no idea where I am."

"I can take you home."

The next second his ring starts flashing and beeping. He looks at his ring and then back at me with a frown on his face. "I actually have to go. Im about to de-transform and I can't reveal my identity. But i can take you back where I saved you?" He smiles at me hoping for forgiveness.

"O-Oh yeah sure.. That sounds good." I smile at him.

~The next day at school~

(Adrien's POV)

I'm sitting next to Chloe who just keeps talking about us and how amazing we would look at our photoshoots in the future. She just won't stop cooing at me. Sometimes she's just so annoying. I try to be nice to her but it's really hard. I quickly look at Marinette and Y/n at the back of the class. carried away. To my surprise she notices me and I look away. She was like in a trance. I wonder what..or..Who she was thinking about.

"Maybe me? As Chat Noir? I was quite charming the other day." I think to myself, grinning and proud of my popularity between girls.

"Ladybug must like me too. Even though she hasn't shown it yet. Gosh she just looks so beautiful with her red mask and bluebell eyes." I drift off to my thoughts, hoping I would see her again soon.

At that moment Miss Bustier walks into class, snapping me out of my thoughts. Another boring day beside Chloe.

~Time skip~

At lunch

(Y/n's POV)

Im sitting alone in the corner of the eating hall writing in my diary about what happened yesterday. Then I see Marinette approaching me with a few other people. There's a girl and a boy with glasses, a blonde haired girl and a girl who has black hair with a purple stripe in it.

"Hey Y/n!" I hear Marinette yell. "I tought I would introduce you to my friends. These are Alya, Nino, Rose and Juleka." She introduces them. Everyone waves at me and I wave back.

"It's nice to meet you all." I say.

"Would you mind if we sit with you here?" Marinette asks me.

"No I wouldn't. Go on." I smile at them.

Everyone sits down. Rose and Juleka whisper amongst each other when Nino approaches me.

"So dudette are you new here?"

"Yeah I just moved here a few days ago." Alya and Nino look at me with a surprised expression on their face.

"Where did you move from? And if you don't mind me asking why?" Alya looks at me with a comforting smile.

"Oh I moved here from New York because my mom got a promotion."

"Omg that's so exciting! Do you like hero's? I have a blog called the "Ladyblog" I talk about hero theory's and mostly I talk about and livestream Ladybug's and Chat Noir's fights. You should check it out sometimes."

"Yeah sure I will check it out." I guess everyone here love Chat Noir and Ladybug. I mean they do save people's lives..

Omg guys I'm so sorry for the lack of updates but here's a bit longer chapter for you. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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