Need to know the truth

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Bayley sat at the table but just wanted to go to her room. Bayley knew her emotions were everywhere and needed time to think. She didn't need her grandmother watching over her like a hawk. Bayley watched as her grandmother sat a plate of food before her. Sasha noticed that Bayley hadn't touched the food. "Is everything ok? Why aren't you eating?" Sasha asked. Bayley didn't say anything but just looked at the plate.

Sasha decided to get a fork and pick up the food. Once she moved it around, she smelled a funny odor from the food. "Katy, when was this food prepared?" Sasha asked. "Last night for the human guards that work here. This is what I had leftover last night. Is there something wrong with it?" Katy asked, worried. "There is a funny smell to the food," Sasha said. Katy noticed Bayley had also picked up the smell and wasn't touching the food. Katy smelt it and realized that someone had added something to the dish. If Bayley had eaten it, she would have fallen ill.

"Who could have done this to the food?" Katy asked while calling Austin to see if anyone was sick. "I can go get you something to eat if you like. I won't be gone long." Sasha asked Bayley. "No, I'm not hungry and want to lay down for a while," Bayley said, getting up from the table. Sasha was worried about Bayley and needed to know what was bothering her. "Dear, I can make you something else?" Katy said. "I'm just tired, and I will eat later. I want to go lay down for a while." Bayley said, heading out of the kitchen.

Sasha got up and followed Bayley out of the kitchen. Sasha didn't want to ask anything until they got to Bayley's room. Bayley opened the door for Sasha to walk in first. "Sasha, I need to know if she is in the grave," Bayley said. Sasha knew this was weighing heavily on Bayley's mind. "Come here and lay down. We can talk it through because you know your grandma will be watching us." Sasha said. Bayley walked over to Sasha and lay next to her. "Sasha, what if my mom is still alive? Why hasn't she come back to me?" Bayley asked. "I'm not sure why. Maybe she hasn't come back because she couldn't." Sasha said.

"What are we going to do?" Bayley asked. Sasha moved herself on top of Bayley. "If you want to dig up the grave, we will find a way. We need to think it through. We will bring Becky into this so we can figure out when would be the best time. I know you want to go and dig up the grave. But you need to trust me on this one." Sasha said, kissing Bayley. Bayley deepened the kiss and held Sasha close.

A few hours later, Sasha got up and went to see Becky. Sasha turned the camera on and showed Bayley's balcony doors. "We must find a way to dig up that grave without anyone watching us," Sasha told Becky. "We might be in luck. Trish is having a dinner party here in a few days. What I found out is that Bayley usually never attends the party. This might be the best chance to dig up the grave without anyone realizing what we are up to. Do you think Bayley will be ok waiting a few more days?" Becky asked.

"I will have to convince her to wait. I know it bothers her, but I do not know. Plus, I don't think she wants to be here anymore. We will move to the safe house after we dig up the grave. Yes, you are coming with us." Sasha said before leaving the room and heading back to Bayley's room. Sasha stood there watching Bayley sleep and could tell that she was stressed. Sasha moved to the balcony doors and noticed someone walking towards the grave sight. Sasha looked at Bayley and texted Becky to keep an eye on her. "I'll be back here in a little while. I need to check something out." Before disappearing.

Sasha positioned herself far enough so one could tell she was there, and she still could keep an eye on the person walking this way. "Hello, why did you want to meet me here? You know Roman would be pissed off."Frank asked. "He is too busy with his plaything at the moment. We have a problem, and I'm not sure I can keep Bayley from digging up this empty grave for much longer. I know Lita is still alive and has been in recovery for a while. Bayley is growing impatient, and Sasha taking her away helps. But I believe Trish has stepped up her plans to eliminate Bayley." Katy said.

Frank hugged Katy and kissed her forehead. "I know this is a lot to keep from her. We have asked to have dinner with her and Sasha. But we haven't heard anything back from them. I'm very interested in Sasha and noticed Bayley is very protective of her. I'm unsure I could talk to her alone without Bayley close by. I still haven't found anything on Sasha. She is a mystery person." Frank said.

"Well, we haven't found anything on Sasha either. We discovered that Sasha and Bayley had been seeing each other since Bayley was young. Their relationship is true, and they will protect each other. Sasha almost killed your son for touching something Bayley had given her. When Roman advanced on Sasha, Bayley shifted and was ready to take Roman down. Sasha was able to stop Bayley from hurting Roman." Katy said.

Frank was about to say something but stopped. Both stopped asking and listened to who might be coming this way. "You need to go, and I will be in touch," Katy said. Frank kissed Katy goodbye and ran into the forest. Sasha wondered who was coming and didn't have to wait long. "I want it dug up now. I need to know if her body is there or not." Roman said to someone. "Boss, are you sure this is the right thing to do?" The person asked. "I don't care. I need to know for my peace of mind and Bayley's sake. I don't want her to dig her up. So, I need to be the one to do it." Roman said.

The man was about to say something but stopped when he saw Katy. "What are you doing out here, Roman?" Katy asked. "Mom, go back to the house. I need to do this." Roman said. Sasha could tell Katy wasn't happy with what was happening. Sasha decided to get Bayley. A few seconds later, she was back in the room. "Bayley wakes up; we need to go somewhere," Sasha said, shaking Bayley. "What's wrong?" Bayley said sleepily.

"Your dad is going to dig up your mom's grave. It won't let you be there to watch, but I know where we can watch without anyone seeing us." Sasha said. Bayley jumped out of bed and put clothes on. "Let's go. I want to see if she's in there." Bayley said. Sasha wrapped her arms around Bayley and disappeared. Bayley realized they were in a tree, looking down on her mom's grave. Bayley had so many questions and decided to shift. Sasha watched Bayley shift and position herself to see what was happening below.

"Sasha, how did you know this was happening?" Bayley asked. "I saw your grandmother walking toward your mom's grave. So I followed, and she met up with your grandfather. Then your dad showed up, and here we are. I hope you aren't mad at me." Sasha said. "I'm not mad, but I'm glad you came and got me. I wonder why my dad wants to dig up the grave?" Bayley asked. "He just like you. He needs to know if she is there." Sasha told Bayley.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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