Chapter 8 | Dorian

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Seventeen years old

Even though Vania had been back for over a week, it still felt weird not having her next to me as I navigated the halls of Penasco's small high school.

I had gotten used to it while she was away, but now that she was back, my heart was telling me that something was wrong; that Vania should be here next to me, even though my mind knew she wouldn't step foot inside these halls ever again.

"How's Vania?" Max asks as he approaches me at my locker. As I had suspected that day in the diner, Max hadn't been bothered by the fact that I never told him about Vania. 

When he had returned my wallet the following day after I shoved it at him in my chase after Vania, I had told him about her. Not what had happened two years ago, though. I had told Max that it was Vania's decision if she wanted to tell him or not, and he had respected that. 

Like Vania, Max's past had also been tainted by tragedy - his brother had taken his own life after their mother had married Eliana's father. Max told me it was because his brother had blamed himself for what had happened between their parents, and so had his mother. All that guilt sent him over the edge, which led to Max moving to Penasco, since his mother and step-father had wanted a fresh start.

The first time Max had seen Vania, standing outside the diner, he had recognized the sad look in her eyes as the look his brother had before he killed himself. And before I had even told Max who she was, he had told me that I should after her, because he was scared she would do the same as what his brother did.

Max haven't even met Vania, but he already cared a lot, which just proved what an amazing person he is.

"She's putting on a mask for the sake of my siblings, but we all know she's not doing any better.  She probably won't for a long time."

We enter the cafeteria, heading towards our usual table, where Eliana is already seated, engaged in a hushed conversation with one of the girls on the soccer team that Vania used to play with. 

The girl whose name I can't remember leaves the moment we sit down, and Eliana turns her gaze on me. "Where's Vania?'' she asks, and I focus on something over her shoulder, trying not to get irritated. I know Max didn't tell his step-sister anything about Vania. Heck, they never even talk to each other. And even if the rest of the high school students knew Vania was back, they wouldn't gossip about her. Some out of respect for her, others out of respect for her father, and the other, because they blamed Vania for what happened.

It would be easy for Eliana to figure out Vania's name. What bothers me, is that I know Eliana wants more information, and she'll do anything to get it. "She's either unpacking at her house, or she's over at mine,'' I tell her, noticing the way her expression sours at the last part. 

''What is she to you?''

''My best friend, like I've told you before, Eliana.''

''But why did she-''

''Eliana!'' I snap. ''Enough with the questions. If you want to find out about her so bad, go ask her yourself.'' Vania won't answer her questions, but Eliana doesn't have to guts to confront her anyway. She'd rather let someone else do things for her than to get her hands dirty.

Eliana continues on with her questions, completely ignoring me. ''Your relationship with her doesn't-'' She stops talking when I scrape my chair back, grabbing my stuff. 

''Eliana,'' I warn. ''Leave it, and Vania alone. I know what you're doing, and it won't work. Vania doesn't deserve all of this questioning, so either keep your mouth shut, or leave me the hell alone."

I turn around and leave the cafeteria, not surprised to find Max by my side. He only embraces being in Eliana's company because of me, and most of the time, I feel guilty about it, but he's a free man, and he can do what he wants.

"You okay?'' He asks as we head down the hall. 

"Yeah, Eliana is just pissing me off.''

''You know why she's doing this right?'' Max asks, and I nod, sighing. "This...crush of hers is getting out of hand, honestly. She knows I'm not interested. And now she sees Vania as competition for some reason. I just wish she can get it into her head that I'm never going to like her back."

"Eliana is used to getting what she wants, Dorian,'' Max says. "She won't give up.'' 

''That's what worries me.'' 

Before we head our separate ways for class, I say, ''Hey Max?''

He turns around, looking at me with patient eyes. "Vania will really like you. She always had a soft spot for the nerds,'' I say with a grin. Max cocks an eyebrow.

''You calling me a nerd, Dorian?''

''There's nothing wrong with it, but there's no way you can deny it. Besides, Kian's just as nerdy as you, if not more. I f I couldn't see that you're a nerd, I'm a bad brother.''

And what no one else knew, was that I'm sort of a nerd at heart too.

But that part of belonged to Vania, and Vania only.

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