New Year, New America

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Today is December 31st. The 365th day of the year, the final day of the year. As the states were taking down their remaining Christmas decorations and putting up New Years decor, Iowa was one of the 10 states that were putting away the Christmas ornaments in boxes. Then he mentioned something about Uncle Sam. "Hey, did anybody see Uncle Sam? He hasn't come out of his room since this morning." Said Iowa."Oh, now you mention it, I haven't seen him since this morning either.." said Oregon. All the states pondered to what Uncle Sam was doing in his room still. "I'll go check up on him. After all, I'm the favorite of Uncle Sam! He loves seeing me!"says DC with a cheeky smile on his face. He goes upstairs, where his room is located, and he opens the door. "Uncle Sam?" he called out. No response. He calls out again, "Uncle sam, are you asleep?" Still, no response. "That's strange..he usually would come to me.." said DC. He then walked into the room to only be hit with a foul smell. "Yuck!,what is that disgusting smell?" He cried. He ends up finding the source of the horrid stench. It was Uncle Sam, but he wasn't moving. He wasn't alive. He was dead.

The Solemn States Of America: PART 1: New year, New America CW: DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now