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"I love you, Jade." She whispered. Then she jumped.
Tears rolled down my cheeks while I was sitting at the merch table. I quickly wiped them off, seeing Pierce The Veil come over. I smiled. "Hello, boys."

"Hey Jade. How's it going?" Tony asked me. He's always been the sweetest. The band and I are friends, and we always have been since Tony and I were little.

"Same as always." They nodded.

"After Warped, we were going to go get some food. Wanna come with?" Mike piped up.

"Sure." I nodded tightly. They smiled. "See you then." They waved.

I sat back down, sighing. No one ever came to PTV's merch table until they did their thing. Then everyone was all,"OH EM GEE!1!! VIKE WAS SO AMAZING!1!11! HE'S SO HOT!1!1"

I hated people like that.

A girl walked up to me. "I'm Bandit. Carlile."

"I'm Jade Radke."

"You're cute, Jade. Wanna hang out some time?"

I stared at her in shock. Nobody had ever asked me out, not since Alex, my ex that had jumped off a bridge when we were in New Jersey...

"Uh, sure. As long as I'm not here or with the boys. We're going to go get good after Warped, wanna come?" She nodded and smiled.

"Sure, Jade Radke."


I laughed when she cringed.

"Goodbye, Bandit Carlile."

She smiled. "I love the way you say my name."

"And I love the way you say mine." She's straightforward, nice.

"BANDIT CARLILE GET YOURSELF OVER HERE." Austin yelled, coming up to the tent. "Oh, it's you."

I rolled my eyes. "Hey, Squidgy." He pouted. "I hate that name and you know it!"

I smiled sweetly. "Yeah, but you love me so it's okay."

I'm friends with all of the bands that have been at Warped, because I was always around them. And also, PTV always taking me on tour with them helped a little...okay, a lot. I'm really good friends with OM&M and BVB, we're pretty tight. Jinxx thinks I'm his sister. CC thinks I'm his only best friend, and Andy is my Batman buddy. And of course, I'm friends with my dad's band, Falling In Reverse, Alex's favorite band.

"Hello? You there Radke?"

I shook my head, getting rid of all thoughts about Alex. "Yeah. Just thinking..." I trailed off. Austin, BVB, PTV, and FIR were the only ones who knew what happened to Alex. Austin and BVB know because they were the ones I always turned to when I had a problem. PTV knows because I toured with them, obviously. And I think you can figure out why FIR knows easily.

"About...her?" I nodded.

Alex and I were going to be together forever. We always helped each other through everything. We flushed our blades together. We made a promise to each other; never give up.

But she gave up. She left me. I can't blame her. I would have done the same, if I hadn't made that promise.

His face softened. "It'll be okay. One day you'll forget the date."

I scratched my wrist, where a certain date was carved into my skin, and pulled my bracelets down to cover it.

"Yeah, maybe."
Poor Jade :c. I can't believe I'm going to write this, imma cry a lot. You might too, FYI.

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