Getting Mobbed

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Jade POV
"JADE RADKE WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CLOTHES?" I heard Jordan yell, storming up to me. I smirked. "I have no clue." I said innocently.

"Yeah, you do. Where are they?!"

"Not on yours or my bus." I said, going back to Instagram.

"Well then let's go check your bus, just to make sure." Jordan grabbed one of my arms and my leg and threw me around his shoulders.

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed loudly. "LET ME DOWN YOU KENTUCKY FRIED FUCK!" Now everyone was staring at us.

Including a few fangirls.

"Shit." Jordan mumbled, taking off. That boy can run, but the girls were catching up to us. He set me down and told me to run in a different direction, since some of them were my fans as well. I nodded, and took off towards the direction of the main stage, because that area's always crowded. The fans still seemed to find a way to follow me.

I ran up the stairs and found someTitle your Story Part

Jade POV
"JADE RADKE WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CLOTHES?" I heard Jordan yell, storming up to me. I smirked. "I have no clue." I said innocently.

"Yeah, you do. Where are they?!"

"Not on yours or my bus." I said, going back to Instagram.

"Well then let's go check your bus, just to make sure." Jordan grabbed one of my arms and my leg and threw me around his shoulders.

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed loudly. "LET ME DOWN YOU KENTUCKY FRIED FUCK!" Now everyone was staring at us.

Including a few fangirls.

"Shit." Jordan mumbled, taking off. That boy can run, but the girls were catching up to us. He set me down and told me to run in a different direction, since some of them were my fans as well. I nodded, and took off towards the direction of the main stage, because that area's always crowded. The fans still seemed to find a way to follow me.

I ran up the stairs and found some people that had PTV, BVB, and FIR shirts on. There were about 7 or 8 of them, with only one girl.

"Guys, you gotta help me. You don't know me probably, but I'm Ronnie Radke's daughter and I have fans chasing me and I need someone to hide me." I rushed.

"Um, we know who you are. And yeah, we'll help you." A guy with blue hair and a BVB tank top said. He had a lot of bracelets and from what I noticed, he kept pulling them down. I frowned.

"Thank you so so so so so much. I'll try to get you a meet & greet with Falling In Reverse." I said.

"Really?! Oh my gosh thank you so much!" The girl with a FIR tank top and a multi-colored pixie cut said.

"It's no problem." I smiled. The guys started to make a circle around me, and she quickly scrambled to join in.

"Okay, so all of us should just stand here and talk like no one's in the middle of this circle. And for the love of all that's good, don't act like you're summoning Satan again." The tallest boy with a beanie and an OM&M shirt said.

"Again?" I asked, laughing.

"Long story and you don't wanna know." He said, chuckling.

"Hey, have you guys seen Jade Radke?" A familiar voice said.

"No, sorry." The girl said.

I looked up over their shoulders to see that it was just Bandit. I laughed. "Let her in here guys," I said. "She's my girlfriend."

A chorus of 'oh's came from the people.

"So may I ask why you're hiding in a group of strangers?" Bandit raised her eyebrows, confused.

"Okay so when me, the YouTubers, and the SWS and PTV boys hid Jordan's clothes, he came to me first, asking where they were. I told him that they weren't on mine or his bus so he told me we were going to go check my bus anyway and he threw me over his shoulder, which made me immediately yell 'fuck you' and I called him a Kentucky fried fuck as I was telling him to put me down, which attracted attention. Some of the people paying attention were fangirls and fanboys." I said sheepishly.

"Oh my god! Wait till they hear this!" Bandit screeched, laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes and she almost fell over.

"Bandit please, no." I said hurriedly. "If the guys hear about this, they'll tease me forever." I wailed, getting on my knees and begging her.

"Oh I'm totally going to tell them. I plan on texting Bradlee when I stop laughing so hard."

"Please, no!" I continued. If Bradlee ever found out, he'd tell Matthew, then Matthew would tell all the other YouTubers that I was friends with. My YouTube career would be over.

"Okay, how about I tell your dad?" Bandit smirked, waving her phone in the air.

I made a horrified face. "Don't you dare. Alan would never ever forget." Bandit smirked. "Too bad." She said, ducking out of the circle.

"BANDIT CARLILE!" I screamed, following her. "Sorry guys. I'll be back later I promise. Just...stay here." I said before ducking underneath them and running after Bandit.

"I SWEAR WHEN I CATCH YOU-" I yelled. She laughed. Too bad for her, because she was headed towards where it's the most crowded. I smirked, then she slowed down. I caught up to her ad tackled her, taking her phone in the process.


"Shit," I mumbled. "Hey, Hi, How are you?" I said, smiling at the people. "Guys, if you could maybe give me some space to walk and breathe, that'd be nice." I laughed.

"Jade can I have a picture?!" One girl asked me. I smiled. "Sure," I said, noticing how small she was. "No problem." I stopped and made a weird face with her.

"Can you follow me on twitter?" A big tall guy asked me. I gulped. "Yeah, sure." I looked at his twitter username and followed him.

"Okay guys, let the girl through, she's quite cramped, don't you think?" I heard a familiar deep voice ask. It was Bryan. I'd like to thank his mother and father for giving him the genes to be so tall. I smiled gratefully at him.

Then a girl came up to me and shoved me. "Dumb bitch. Nobody likes you, they just like your asshole dad." I turned around to see her.

"I think people might like me if they're almost mobbing me, yeah? And also, my dad is an asshole, but the bitch that claimed he did that was lying, so if you could fuck off, that'd be great. Have a nice day." I said, spinning around and marching off, finding Bandit and intertwining our hands, hearing a chorus of 'oooh's. I smirked.



"Did you really tell Alan?"

"No, but I did tell Oli." She grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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