Addison meets Zed, Brianna meets Ethan,Arianna talks with Brianna and Addie,

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Thrid person pov
Zed and Ethan slowly look at both Eliza and Bonzo and Ava as the two of them walked slowly towards the door as they heard Eliza voice as she looking at Ava as she says So How's the fashion designing going?

Thrid person pov
Later that day Arianna had gym class and she was running through the woods since she had asked the gym teacher if that was okay and the gym teacher agreed as long as she was back for her next class

Arianna runs through the woods and she takes a deep breath and says Every night I lie in bed

Arianna walks over to Zoey and says Hey Zoe

Zoey looks at her and says Anna guess what

Arianna looks at her and says What?

Wyatt Can't believe the girl was standing in front of him The girl he met in the woods weeks ago the girl he kissed

Arianna looks at him and says Hi I haven't seen you around before

Wyatt looks at her and says I'm uhhh new to this part of town

Arianna smiles and she smiles at Zoey then walks away

She stops running and walks over to a tree and says The brightest colors fill my head

Arianna turns around and she looks at Wyatt and she smiles at him and Wyatt smiles at her and she smiles at him and says I pretty sure I can sense that you are following me and you have the book upside down

Wyatt looks at her then at the book as she helps him flip the book rightsideup and she smiles at him and says For a clumsy and a very mysterious werewolf your cute

Arianna sighs sadly at the ground and she counties running and says A million dreams are keeping me awake

Arianna was walking through zombie town and she saw zed and Bonzo and Eliza and Ethan and Ava and the werewolves and she walks over to Willa and Wyatt and wynter and Wes and says Hey guys

The werewolves all look at her and smiled at her as Wyatt says Hey

Arianna smiles at them and she walks towards the cafe the wolves were at earlier

Arianna smiles and says I think of what the world could be

Arianna grabs her water bottle and she hands it to wynter and wynter takes it and drinks some water as Arianna says So you guys are looking for the moonstone

Wynter looks at her and nods her head as Wyatt walks over to her and says Yeah how'd you know?

Arianna looks at him and says Well I can show you

She grabs Wyatt hand and pulls him over to her bag as she opens it and she grabs something out of it not knowing Wyatt had wrapped his arms around her waist as she grabs the book that was in her bag and says I'm actually not related to Addison and Bucky and Brianna by blood I was found on the doorstep of mine and Addison parents when I was a baby and I had a journal right next to me in a basket

Wyatt looks at her as she opens the journal to the page of the moonstone and says I spoke with Willa earlier and I showed her were my dad and we'll your best friends and...

Arianna smiles and says A vision of the one I see

Wyatt looks at Arianna and kisses her and pulls her into the kiss and Arianna kisses him back wrapping her arms around his shoulders and Wyatt looks at Arianna and says Ariana

Arianna looks at him and says Yeah?

Wyatt pulls a ring out of his pocket and says This isn't a engagement ring It's a promise ring and the reason why I'm giving it to you because I want to ask you well uh something

Zombies 1,2,3,4 OC x OC,Wyatt x OC, Eliza x OC, Alan x OC,Victor x OC ,Nova x OCWhere stories live. Discover now