After The Party

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Nick's Diary (takes place: just after Chapter 2/s1 e3)

17/04 (17th April)

I've ruined everything.

Okay, so I've been pretty sure I really like Charlie for a bit now but tonight took it to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. Okay, no small talk. WE KISSED EACH OTHER. Like on the lips and everything.

So it went like this:

Me and Charlie escaped to this big empty room cos I was getting really bored and fed up of my "friends" (who were being really bitchy and homophobic and just generally horrible) and he looked a bit uncomfortable around all the people.

While we're in this room, we both flop on the floor by the wall, cos we absolutely legged it up there. He sits down next to me and asks whether it's true that I like Tara. Obviously, I said I didn't because I really don't want him to think I like someone else cos at this point I'm pretty sure I like him in that way????

Then he asks me if I don't have a crush, and I kinda said "I didn't say that" and I can FEEL myself blushing at this point. He then asks me a series of questions and I, like an idiot, create the idea that the crush might not be a girl.

And then he puts his hand next to mine and moves his pinky to touch mine and I can feel the fireworks exploding inside of me sending electricity all through me.

"Would you kiss me?"

Cue panic.

And the reddest cheeks ever.

It took a few seconds of consideration and confirmation with my own brain and then i said "yeah".

Just like that.

Okay, the first one was kinda awkward and we sorta pulled away and my mind is literally racing around a million miles an hour going you just kissed your best friend, who is A BOY.

And then, without any conscious thought, I grab his hand and we kiss AGAIN.

This is gonna sound really cringe, but it was sooo good. Like, better than I literally could have ever imagined. (and yes I did imagine me and Charlie kissing)

We break apart, (after longer this time might I add) and then BLOODY SAI turns up saying Harry wants to talk to me. Instinctively I jump up and then just run out without saying anything!

I didn't even apologise or explain or anything !!!!!

I'm actually so stupid.

He probably hates me now. Wait, he might think I'm like Ben. Cos I just kissed him and walked out. Oh god.

I need to fix this.

A/N: Updates to this series will come whenever I have written them/can be bothered to write them

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