Something's up...

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(tw: Self-harm mentions)

Tori's Diary (takes place: before Volume 1)

14/06 (14th June)

Something's up with Charlie.

I feel like I haven't seen him smile in.... ages. He's been locking himself in his room all evening almost everyday, he won't even come down for dinner. I don't know what's wrong but it must be something and I'd assume something at school but I wouldn't know.

He won't talk to me about it. And he usually tells me everything.

I know he doesn't have too many friends at school and isn't exactly too popular but I think something bad must have happened or keeps happening because he always comes home with tears streaks down his cheeks.

I just want to help him. But he won't let me. I try, I really do.

A couple of nights ago, I knocked on his door to maybe try to get him to talk about it but he didn't even respond at first. When I knocked again he just shouted at me to get out. Maybe he thought I was mum. Charlie has never gotten on that well with mum, especially since he came out to our parents so he probably just didn't want to talk to her. I should have said it was me. But I didn't because I'm not that smart.

(start of tw)

Yesterday morning, when we were just about to leave for school, I was on my way to the toilet and passed by Charlie's room. His door was slightly open and in the corner of my eye I saw blood stains on his carpet. Now I don't know exactly why but I have an idea of what it might be and I really don't want it to be true.

So, on the bus yesterday I was going to talk about it but Charlie just kept his headphones on and ignored me when I tried.

He has also always had a jumper on recently, even though it's basically summer and about 23 degrees outside but every time I ask he always just says he's cold. I know Charlie is the kind of person that is 'always cold' when it's even slightly mild but since it isn't I have a hard time believing him. And, along with the blood stains, it's also driving me to believe something is really wrong.

(end of tw)

I really want to help Charlie but I don't know what to do.

A/N: sorry this one was a bit depressing. I thought it would be cool to see how the bullying affected Charlie from Tori's perspective and how she wanted to help him but he wouldn't talk about it.

New updates to this series whenever I can be bothered to write them! Love you all! ❤❤❤

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