Chapter 24 - Louis

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As Odette and I approached the temple, I noticed a sense of awe washed over her. Odette's eyes widened with wonder.

The temple, a timeless monument of grandeur, stood resplendent in the golden glow of the sun. Its walls, crafted from solid gold, glistened with a mesmerizing brilliance, adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with statues depicting ancient deities. Around the temple grounds, lush foliage thrived, adding to the ethereal beauty of the sacred space.

"Come," I said, gently taking Odette's hand in mine, feeling her excitement radiating through her touch.

Approaching the imposing doors of the temple, I raised my hand to knock, a gesture that elicited a look of disbelief from Odette.

"You seriously just knocked on the door of a temple?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"Yes," I replied simply, a sense of reverence guiding my actions.

As the heavy doors swung open, revealing the grandeur within, we stepped into the hallowed halls of the temple, greeted by a vast expanse adorned with intricate gold artwork. Memories flooded my mind as I beheld the familiar surroundings, the echoes of my past experiences still lingering in the air.

"Where is she?" Odette whispered, her voice barely audible in the sacred silence of the temple.

I remained silent, knowing that Natasha would reveal herself in her own time, her presence as inevitable as the rising sun.

And then, as if summoned by the unspoken anticipation, a swirl of golden light materialized from the heavens above.

And there she stood, a vision of otherworldly beauty, her snowy white hair cascading down to her waist like a waterfall of moonlight. Her emerald-green dress, seemingly woven from the very essence of the forest, trailed gracefully behind her as she approached us with a radiant smile.

"Hello again, Louis," she greeted me, her voice melodic and soothing, a symphony of ancient wisdom and timeless grace.

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