chapter 2

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I stood besides Tiffany, staring at anything but her as my father walked in the room. The number one hero in America had entered the principal's office, and Tiffany's dad followed shortly afterward. 

My dad stood there staring at me as Tiffany blamed me. The spoiled little brat put on her usual "daddy's girl" act. "Daddy, I swear I didn't mean to drop my lunch on her!" she said. "I just tripped and it fell!" She claimed she just used self-defence, even though she had struck me first.“Daddy, I didn't mean to drop my lunch on her, I swear! I just-i just- tripped and called then she made a whole fit about it even though I apologised and hit me! So I just used self defence!!”  she cried out.

She put on an Oscar-worthy performance, bursting into tears just on command. 

 The bitch began sobbing on command, her acting skills were top-notch. This hoe should pursue a career in acting, not heroics like she says her daddy is going to arrange for her at u.a.: 

As the whore burst into tears, I watched as my own father looked at her sobbing face with sympathy. I glared at her with contempt, trying to suppress my anger over such obvious manipulation. The girl's fucking fake tears only made my fury grow stronger, but I remained silent, knowing speaking up would accomplish nothing if her father was going to believe her story over mine.

I stared at her, who was now full-on sobbing, with a mixture of contempt and anger. My father's sympathetic expression towards the crying girl only exacerbated my growing fury. I clamped down on my emotions, knowing that speaking out would do me no good if her father was going to side with her.

I continued to glare as my fathers eyes shifted between the now-hysterical Tiffany and me, his face betraying no sign of the internal debate he was having over who to believe. The girl's sobs only grew louder as she doubled over in an exaggerated display of grief, her performance perfectly capturing that of a heartbroken child. The urge to speak up and set the record straight nearly overwhelmed me, but I remained silent. It was pointless to speak up, not with her father's eyes glued to her sobbing face.

The principal's office finally dismissed us, and I stood waiting in the hallway as Tiffany's father and my father continued talking. I tried to keep my expression neutral but failed miserably. The sight of the spoiled little brat walking away with her father made me fume inside. I couldn't let her get away with lying like that! But what could I do when  even the number one hero in America, my dad, believed her every word?

As I saw Tiffany step outside the school with her father, my own dad brought me to the car. I tried to keep my calm, but my internal rage continued to swell as I remembered the lies she'd told about me.

“I am very disappointed in you” my dad sternly replied, shaking hiS head, focusing on driving. What the hell did I do? 

"I am very disappointed in you," my dad replied bluntly as he started driving. I sat in the passenger seat, feeling like I was about to burst. I hadn't done anything wrong; I just wanted to tell the truth! But why was he acting as if I'd done the crime instead of being the victim? The fuck did I do? . 

Once we'd returned home, I brushed my teeth, followed by my usual evening routine of skincare and getting ready for bed. After I was done I climbed under the covers and rolled over to go to sleep. Tomorrow would be a better day, I told myself. A day where I would focus on something other than what had happened with Tiffany. 

I laid alone in my room,and scrolled through my phone, still reeling from the day's events. Why had my dad taken Tiffany's side instead of mine? Why would he believe her over me, his own daughter? I felt so helpless and frustrated as I continued scrolling through Instagram, raising my eyebrows in surprise when I came across the boy I was supposed to be paired up with for my first day at u.a. I clicked the following. 

I continued to stare at my phone, occasionally glancing at the wall to break up my browsing. 

Suddenly, a "ding" came from my phone, indicating that I had received a notification. I checked the screen, wondering who it could be and what the notification might be about.

king.explosion.murder has followed you back

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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