Chapter 3 - The Discussion

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3rd Person

Once you had exited the room the Tsaritsa's kind demeanor had shifted to something cruel; something the harbingers were used too. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, but the silence was soon lifted once Capitano started talking.

"You majesty I know you are our all knowing ruler, but is this really the right decision? That girl looks to be very naive and irresponsible." Capitano stated firmly with accusation melting into is voice. No one else was brave enough to say anything, but all silently agreed with the man in black armor.

As this was said the room had an even darker atmosphere. "Are you questioning my judgment?" Said the Tsaritsa, the room so tense you could cut it with knife. "If you are I have no problem with her proving herself to you." Even though it was said with no malice everyone in the room could tell it was a threat. All the harbingers visibly tensed not wanting to find out what happen except one, and that individual was Dottore as the man had no self preservation. Dottore leaned back into his seat with a frown on his face not falling for the implied threat.

"What is she going to do? Bite my ankles? She looks like she couldn't even properly wield a weapon let alone face Capitano and win," the blue haired man stated in voice firm and unwavering "plus its not like she has a reputation of strength and danger since she was kept hidden for so long, therefore your threat is no threat without evidence." Once he was done with his monologue the Tsaritsa started laughing because no matter how much she warned them they always have to find out the hard way.

"I suppose so, but if something happens do not come crying to me for I have warned you." She said after her laughing fit. Once she was calm again she looked at everyone in the room with a glare. "Anymore questions?" The room suddenly broke I not a commotion as many of them were asking questions at once. With growing irritation the Tsaritsa silenced the room by freezing the walls. "One at a time; you aren't children."

Sandrone was the first to ask a question "What is her vision? If she even has one for I didn't see one on her when she was in the room with us." Many sat in silence wanting an answer to the same question.

"She has a cryo vision." The Tsaritsa stated firmly.

Columbina was the next ask a question "If she's been here the whole time where has she been staying? It's very illogical for her to being staying gn here all these years and none of us have even heard of her." The usual childlike and pristine girl could be seen with a look of seriousness and questioning on her face as she was unsure of the possibility that absolutely no one had any idea about this little girl.

"She has been in this very palace the whole time, but has been kept hidden from your view for reason I shall not disclose yet. Only me and personal servant know where she is kept." The whole room was shocked. The girl had been here the whole time, and not one of them saw her not once. Even though they were given an answer it was not the answer they were looking for. All of them were hoping that the location would be given, but even with her reveal it is still kept a secret. This raised more questions then answered.

Dottore was the last to ask a question "Is there any possibility I could experiment on her? It's not very often you see a girl looking around the age of eight actually be centuries years old." Arlecchino visibly was angered by this question but kept her thoughts to herself as she didn't want to start a fight with the man just now. The rest of room looked at the blue haired man with disgusted looks. With the reaction he was getting from the room Dottore smirked his pointed teeth showing through his lips.

The Tsaritsa sighed, disappointed with the man. "No you can not experiment on her, and if I ever hear you even touched a hair on her body your head will be mine." The threat obviously not empty caused the mans smirk to grow even more as he found the circumstances exciting, and as a new challenge for him to complete.

"Yes, yes of course no hair on her body will be touched! You'll have my word for it." Dottore said with an almost crazed look, no one in the buying his agreement for a second as they all knew he would try to find a loophole immediately. The Tsaritsa glared at him not convinced by his words, but left it alone for now.

"Is that all for today? If it is this meeting is adjourned." With that said everyone left the room except one man.

Pierro sat at the end of the table unmoving and blank faced. "If y/n is the new head of the harbingers what position does that leave me at?" The man said giving no signs of emotion in his voice.

"You will be the decoy. While everyone in teyvat continues to believe you are the organizations leader she can be used as our queen piece in this game of chess, catching everyone off guard and completing our goal of ridding celestia of this world. Firstly though she must gain the trust of that traveler and the other nations." Said the Tsaritsa the grin on her face growing with each work that escaped her lips. A crazed look formed in her eyes as she looked at the man seated at the table. "Dear Pierro the game has just begun, be prepared." And with that she disappeared into falling snow.

Pierro now having his answer left the room with determination in his stride. He will do whatever it takes to complete her majesty's wishes even if it means sacrificing a few others.


Hello! I rembered wattpad was a thing so I came back to write chapter. I apologize if this chapter feels inconsistent with the rest of the story for as you can tell I haven't touched this fanfic in a long while. I also apologize if the current information isn't up to date for I am no longer apart of the Genshin fandom. Apart from this I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I hope you have wonderrest of you evening, day, or night :)

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