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They say I'm crazy, but it’s not true, right? Rumors have been spread about me for years. "She’s crazy," they say. "Steer clear of her." I've learned to tune them out over the years, just like my mom taught me. Before she died, that is.

The loud ringing of my alarm wakes me up.I rub the sleep out of my eyes slowly, then stretch to wake myself up. I can not let myself  fall back asleep. I know there  will be consequences if I do.  Shuffling to my closet, I slip on my uniform, the skirt’s short end leaving my legs cold. I tug on my black Converse, making sure to tuck my dagger into the right shoe. Stumbling into the kitchen,  I grab a bagel and my school bag and sneak out the door without my father knowing.

I briskly walk down the street to school. As I approach the school, everything changes. Cars that seconds ago had been passing me on the sidewalk were suddenly slamming in the brakes, like their drivers knew to keep their distance. As I walk up the front steps of Ascend Preparatory School, I hear the hordes of students rushing to avoid me the best they can in the tight hallways. I hear the whispers.
"There's the psychopath," one girl warns. "Stay away from her." I roll my eyes and keep walking straight towards my first period, Biology.
I walk in and take my seat at the back. The bell rings, and everyone sits down. The teacher, Mr. Porter immediately begins the lesson. After about 5 minutes, I stopped paying attention and started to braid my long, blonde hair.
"Miss Trix," a voice sneers.
I look up. "Yes, Mr. Porter?"
"Are species and populations the same thing?" He asks. The look he was giving me told me everything I needed to know. He delighted in pestering and embarrassing me. Unfortunately for him, I knew the answer.
"A population is a group of organisms of the same species, but they must be living in the same place at the same time. Isn’t that right, Mr. Porter?" I answer sweetly. Mr. Porter glowers at me. As he goes back to teaching, I look down at my nails and start picking at the black nail polish. Eventually, the class ends, and I make my way to my next class.
The whispers in the hallway continue again. I ignore them. I reach my next class, English, and sit in the back of the class. The teacher starts the lesson. I set out my book, but I tune her out almost immediately. Her nasally voice gets on my nerves too easily. I catch myself looking out the window when someone knocks loudly on the door. Ms. Carmen opens the door, and a boy I have never seen before walks in.

Hey guys. New book. Let me know how you feel about it

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