Chapter 3 Ex-boyfriend

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"Why did you play a part of the music badly?"

I received a blow.

"Why were you able to get a full grade?"

I received another blow.

Why? Why? Why?


I woke up abruptly, my body was shaking as I suddenly jumped out of bed. The sunlight shining through the windows made my eyes narrow. Even after all these years, I could remember the pain and the sound of my grandmother's cane hitting me, as if it were engraved on my heart and my body.

It's been a long time since I had that nightmare. So,

Why did I have it now?

He still remembered the bruises on A-Nueng's legs and the pain he tried to hide with his cheerful personality. The sight of those wounds took me back to the unpleasant moments of my past, but that story had created my self of the present.

The one who didn't care about anything in the world.

I realized that it was much earlier than my usual time to wake up. But since my sleep had been disturbed, I didn't know what to do. Should I go and give some food offerings to the monk? Considering that I was ruined, I couldn't afford to buy a meal, so if I offered them food, it was likely that I would end up eating it anyway.

I am a sinner.

I had a rather boring life in which I just needed to go to the market every night to install my drawing booth. As a result, I was trying to teach my biological clock to wake up later, at 3 p.m., instead of

9 a.m.

But since I was awake, there was something I had to do.

My stomach was roaring because of my hunger.

As I looked at the shelves that should have been full of rows and rows of instant noodles, I found a void. Even the instant noodles betrayed me.

It would look like I needed to open my wallet again.

I took a moment to cool off before leaving my room and looking for something to fill my hungry stomach. However, a family figure stopped me.


-Khun Nueng

I give the man, who was once going to be my husband, a look of complicity, and that made him feel embarrassed by his behavior. I said firmly: "You followed me here intentionally," while I put my hand in my pocket and let him approach me with a heavy sigh. "Just one coincidence is enough. It makes me uncomfortable that you do this.


Pulling off the bandage quickly is the best way to communicate. That was the lesson I had learned early when I still lacked the courage to resist anything they imposed on me. I was firm with my words and kept my emotions away from my face since they had become my second nature. It didn't matter how I felt inside, I could always keep a smile, so no one could know what was going through my head.

-It should be clear to you. Goodbye-

_Teextrano. 一h

My legs stopped and my eyes closed.

It seemed that he refused to give up.


"At least, let me invite you to eat."

"Invite me to a meal?"

My lips formed a lovely smile after hearing that. What a perfect time for such an offer.

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