Chapter 2: The Six-Eared Macaque

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A/N: This chapter takes place after Macaque is defeated by MK in Season 1.

Somewhere in the forest, Macaque stormed off as he cursed Sun Wukong and MK for defeating him. Yes, he was using MK for power, so he could be powerful. He swore to have revenge. His whole body was healed, thanks to his power. He swore if he ever encountered them again, he'd have them in his grips.

He wasn't paying much attention to the trail he was on, his feet knew the landscape very well when suddenly he caught the scent of blood and a lot of it. Macaque followed his nose to a clearing where he saw a girl with raven black hair in the skimpiest school uniform he had ever seen. She was lying on the ground unconscious. His eyes widened as if he had never seen a young girl looking so beautiful. He wasn't sure how long he was staring at her.

She looks beautiful, Macaque thought. His face blushed a bit.

A sudden urge came over him, he wanted to protect this girl with his life. Macaque scooped her up in his arms and made his way to his hideout.

Macaque looked at the girl, feeling bad. I feel bad for seeing her like this. I can't leave her alone like that. She needs to be taken care of.


After a while of taking care of the girl, Macaque sat next to her in the bed, waiting for her to be awakened. He only sits there with his arms crossed and eyes closed. Eventually, the young girl began to stir, which awakened Macaque.

Slowly, she groaned and opened her eyes then quickly closed them again due to the bright light in her face. She finally opened her eyes and looked around, confused where she was.

"Whoa there, sugarplum. Don't hurt yourself. You should rest more." Macaque said as he gently laid her back.

"Where am I?" The girl asked, confused. She rubbed her forehead, having a slight headache.

"You're in my hiding place," Macaque said.

"Who are you?" The girl asked.

He smirked. "I am the Six-Eared Macaque or Macaque for short. What's your name, sugarplum?"

"My name...?" The girl became more confused as she couldn't remember her name. She tried to remember her name, but she couldn't. She had no idea who she was or where she came from.

"I-I don't have a name," the girl said, worried a bit.

"Well, that's a shame. How about I'll give you a name?" He let out a grin.

"Then what my name will be?" The girl asked.

"How about... Alari? What do you think of your name? Do you like it?"

"Alari... I like that name." She became interested in her new name.

He chuckled. "I knew you would like your new name."

"How did I get here? I can't remember everything." Alari asked.

"Amnesia, I see. I found you unconscious so I brought you here, so you weren't alone." Macaque said.

"I see. I want to thank you for saving me, Macaque. If you weren't here to save my life, I would have been eaten by the bear just now." Alari said, smiling at him.

"I'm glad I would. You should get some rest more, sugarplum. I'll be right back to give you some food." Macaque said before leaving.

"Thank you again, Macaque," Alari said.

"You're welcome." With that, Macaque took off leaving Alari alone in the bedroom, so he would let her get some rest for a while. It was strange he never met a girl who had amnesia.

I Get Wicked // Macaque x KagomeWhere stories live. Discover now