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The war had been done when three son of Duke Raphael Schultz killed the evil emperor. Even the war done, three son were looking grief and much sadness when they saw a corpse of their mother who protect them. They were remember how their mother interfered them from the dangerous magic that can killed them. With their mother's sacrifice, they were successful killed the emperor with their hatred determined to avenge of their mother's death. They were remember of her last word that make them feel broken after they so long to heard the word from their mother.

"My son... I'm glad that you are safe from him. Please forgive your mother for neglected and cold to you. I have my reason why I did it. It's all for your sake. You already grown up being strong person. Keep alive and being strong no matter what. Don't be like me. Tell Ellie that she was grown up as a strong girl like me. I love you, my children. And tell your father that I love him so much. Goodbye, everyone. Be happy that's all I wish." Said their mother named Lucy Schultz. That was her last word before she passed away. The oldest son of Duke Raphael, Nazar Schultz had bring Lucy in his arm as he going to his father who just done with his job.

Duke Raphael saw his wife who lying lifeless in Nazar's arm make him feel broken heart and trembling take Lucy in his arm. He was fall down on the ground as he crying hard looking at his wife's face. He had hugging her tightly with his crying face saying how much he love her. His daughter, Ellie Schultz was also cried for her death mother along with her brother who also crying. Duke's second wife, Amelia Schultz also shedding tears for her savior who save her when Lucy pregnant of Ellie. Amelia won't forget of Lucy's kindness. Lucy's death have make the country fall in despair. Everyone were appreciate Lucy's sacrifice and prayed for her to thanked her.

Lucy's loyal servant, Evelyna Jaeger was upset of her death and can't let her go so she suicide herself in a same day Lucy's death. Evelyna have doted herself to Lucy for years even she have to reject Duke Levi Ackerman. In her past life, Lucy had save her and her mother from her abused father since she was 8 years old. That time Lucy was 18 years old and get married with Duke Raphael Schultz. Lucy had arrested Evelyna's father and make him stayed in prison in his life. Evelyna decided to work as her servant when she was 10 years old. Evelyna was a smartest person and find a fastest information for Lucy. Evelyna had been with Lucy when she pregnant Alexis. She also know Lucy very well. When her master died, Evelyna can't accept it as she love Lucy so much. Before she suicide herself, she had wrote a letter and tell everything about Lucy. Then she send to Duke Raphael and his children before she suicide herself.

Lucy's friends were Jubellian Eloy Floyen, Charlize Rienta, Olive Vias Hirt and Daisy D'Essel had been crying hard for Lucy because Lucy were their beloved friend. Their husbands were comfort their wives as they understand of their feeling. Nazar, Ashiel, Alexis and Ellie were learning of Lucy's love for them make them hurt and despair. They were crying of their mother and buried of Lucy's sacrifice for them. Even for Duke Raphael Schultz. Because the emperor had died, no one want to buried his corpse and let his corpse been eaten by the crow. Nazar Schultz had been chosen as the emperor after Lucy's funeral. Nazar had chose Philomel Hirt as the empress of the country.

Six months later, Duke Raphael Schultz had fallen sick and can't be treated. He had died in unknown illness as he told his son to buried his grave next to Lucy which they granted his wish. It left Amelia alone who cried for her husband. Ashiel Schultz had been a next duke and married Sienna. Alexis had been the next king as he married Giselle Ashet. While Ellie been the grand duchess when she married Damian. Even they have a happy ending in their life, they still love their parents. They were appreciate of Lucy's love and sacrifice for them. The world had been in a peace. The story had been ended which upset a woman named Haruka Sakumoto. She was cried when she read a novel of Lucy Schultz who emotionless powerful duchess and mother of a family.

Haruka Sakumoto was a cheerful, kind and warm person. She love to reading book like a romance novel. She had been married with a rich guy named Kamisato Ayato. She then get pregnant which she happy. Ayato and Haruka seem have a happy life with have four kids. But that won't be long for Haruka. She had meet Ayato's stalker who so crazy of Ayato. Ayato's stalker can't accept and push Haruka through the rooftop and died in vain. Ayato was upset of Haruka's death. He even get his stalker get a death sentence for killing Haruka. Haruka in another hand had been possessed someone's body that she didn't know. Haruka had woken up with a confusion face as she look around. Haruka had wonder where she is. Haruka then look at her hair which froze her. Her hair was a blonde which she more confused. She quickly get out from her bed and running toward the mirror. She was froze herself when she look at the mirror.

'W-What the hell? How can I be Lucy Schultz? What on the earth happen to me?' - Haruka Sakumoto

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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