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!!trigger warning!! self harm and abuse

I put my hood over my face and got the bus, the bus stop is a 10 minute walk from Dom's house,i ran straight the door, pounding on it, i wasn't sure if anyone was gonna answer as its 1:27am but after 2 minutes of pounding on the door it opened, with all of the boys standing there, their faces filled with horror as they stared at my bloody and bruised face. they brought me inside and sat me in the kitchen not even on a chair on the sideboard, Tom grabbed a med kit from of the cupboard and started cleaning my face while i explained what happened.

"Oh yeah my mum called the police on me for hitting my dad back, so if they show up I'm sorry"

As i said that there was a knock at the door

"Well speak of the devil,I'll go let them in"(photography) Adam laughed

My face was stinging from the wipes but it wasn't to bad until he got to my eyebrow, i physically winced, Tom stepped back for split second

"Sorry kid this will hurt" Tom apologized

"Here squeeze my hand" Dom said as he held it out

"Miles do you mind if we have a chat, in private" an officer asked

"I'm kind of cleaning up his face right now" tom spoke back

"We'll get some paramedics to take care if him, it does look like he needed stitches" the officer explained. Everyone went in the other room with the other officer and explained what happened and how they knew me. The officer with me called for an ambulance and i spoke about my parents while we waited for the ambulance, shortly after they arrived and checked me out, they stitched up my eyebrow and told me they would naturally fall out within a week but i do have a concussion and i need to have a lot of rest and the next few days will be kind of like one big blur. The officer then told me that Dom wanted to take me in legally and there would be a court viewing in two days to see if i could stay with him or if i had to go with back my parents

--*two days later*--

I was thankfully allowed to stay at Dom's until the court day although i was out all day yesterday helping to get evidence so i didn't see them, which is today, i went downstairs for breakfast, everyone was already dressed, they all gasped at my face, the cut on my eyebrow was the same but i had a black eye and my blood vessels had burst so the sclera (the white part of the eye) is all red

"Why are you all dressed already" i asked

"Dude we're leaving in 10 minutes" (guitar) Ben sputtered

"What, oh shit ok" i rushed upstairs got dressed and ready as quickly as i could and met them in car, we shortly arrived at the court house, i was filled with fear that my parents would some how get custody of me even though the physical evidence was on my body. We walked in, being the last ones of course, the two lawyers took it in turns defending each side before asking people to come up the podium and give there views, the suspense was building the room as the judge was making his decision

"I have decided that Miles will be in the custody of his parents, Miles you can retrieve your things from Mr Harrison's house but will go back with your parents and you are not to make contact with any of them until the next court viewing that will be held in a week, if you fail and make contact with them the whole case will be dropped" 

Everyone stood up to defend me but quickly got silenced, i walked out the room with my parents, we got my things and went back 'home'. I couldn't wait for the next viewing,i need them to see i don't deserve to be here

Dom's pov:

Me and the boys left the court room in disbelief, the car ride was quiet, we got back inside and we all stood in the kitchen

"How did Miles go with his parents the evidence is literally on his fucking face, we need to get him back,i cant wait a week, what if his parents get worse or he does something to himself, its so unfair" i ranted to them, it was a long rest of the day, week even, all i could think about was miles and if he was ok

--*a week later*--

Miles's pov:

Its been a long and tough week, my parents abuse has gotten worse and so has my depression, the blade down my arms doesn't do anything anymore, I've gone numb, i just wanna feel again. Today is the day i get so see Dom and the boys and hopefully he gets custody of me, i don't know what I'd do if he didn't. I got in the car and we drove to the court house, my stitches were out but all the other wounds and more were still on my face and the rest of my body, we got out the car and i saw Dom and the boys a few cars away, we stared at each other with hope and sadness in all our eyes, apart from my parents they death glared them. 15 minutes later everyone is sat in the court room and its the same process, the suspense builds up again

"Well Miles we've really looked into this and we can now say you will be taken into Mr Harrison's custody and as for your parents they will both be sentenced to 5 years in prison with 5 more probation"

We all cheered, i got excused from my seat and ran to Dom giving him the tightest hug ever, the boys then joined making it a big group hug, we signed the documents to let Dom take care of me legally and we left so exited. We had to go to my parents first to get my stuff back, we arrived and walked in with a police escort so my parents wouldn't do anything and all the boys followed me to my room, they were all shocked to see how empty it was, there was just a mattress in the middle and that was it, no wardrobe, no desk, nothing but a mattress and suitcase i picked it up and we all left. We arrived home, it felt to good to call this place my home,we threw a small party with just and had the night of our lives


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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