Chapter Three: Locker Code

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C.Gs P.V.O

It was the school ordination, which means finding a group of people who will carve your whole entire senior year. This was a new school, so new mean girls, hot jocks, nerds and geeks, wannabes, goths, fat kids, glee fandom and trios. Groups of threes that are the best friends forever. I was a part of a trio with Molly and Emma, but things changed...
I walk in and find a large table filled with stern looking adults. "Name?" One asked.
"Claire Eveie Greenwood."
"Ahh, locker 216, here is your code." I picked it up and looked at it. It read '6969'. Ummmmmm? Weird much!? I walk over to the two hundreds and see a group of hot jocks next to my lockers. God! I hope none of them are my locker neighbors. That would be HORRIBLE.
"Move," I say loudly.

Max's P.V.O

"Move," says some hot girl in skinny jeans and a crop top. I look up and down her body. Nice. I want her. I do a wolf whistle. She sighs looking annoyed. Wait. She isn't interested? Everyone loves some Max! She shoves her way to what seems to be her locker. I look at her pass code sheet.
"6969?" I smirk. "Oh, you want me." She turns over and looks at me with an unhappy look, but it was turned into a look of pleasure.
"Oh, indeed I do." She replies, like a purring cat. She wrapped her hands around my neck and went on her tippy toes to meet my lips. I wrapped my hands around her waist. I went in to kiss her, but instead, she moved one of her hands and slapped me.
"Fuck off." She says.
"Sorry, can't" I say, "We're neighbors."
"Can this day get any worse!"

C.Gs P.V.O

That boy, Max? I think? Well anyways, he was like the biggest idiot ever. And his face when I slapped him? Pretty satisfying, just saying.

Max's P.V.O

Dang. That girl seemed down to earth and casual near She was also kinda hot. Her style was slightly out dated and her geeky glasses didn't fit her body and looks, but she pulled it off, all the way. One of my friend snapped me out of my train of thought. "Yo, you like dat gurl!!"
"Nooooo Daniyal! Your a damn idiot! I just think she's hot."
"Mmmmmhmmmmmm....." He said, smirking.
Percy added, "You were wanting to kiss her..."
"And you wouldn't!?"
"True!" He replied, holding his hands up on surrender.
"I'd rate her a 4 out of ten!" I lied to prove I didn't like her, but truly, she was a 20/10.

C.Gs P.V.O

I walked over to my locker again once those boys left. What idiots thinking they were cool.
Is it just me or did God hate me, or something?
First boyfriend betrayal. Next, friends hate me. And last but no least, I have to deal with a total douche bag for a whole year.
Yep, God hates me. I put in the code and open my locker. Wow. Are you serious?! My locker is filled with mirror like objects shaped like butterflies and hearts. I tried to pull them off, but apparently, it was glued their. GREAT! Loving life right now. "Oh, you got the locker. Bad way to start this year, eh."
I turned around to see a punk looking girl staring back at me with a smirk on her face.
"I'm also next to that douche, Max." I say. Her smirk grows wider. I admire her bold choice of blood red hair and and dark purple lipstick.
"Your eyes are very bright." I blurt out. Her bright blue eyes shone so bright, exactly like the sun. She smiled.
"I like your....face?" We laughed. We were intently friends. She invited me to a party and I accepted. "Oh shit, what am I doing!? My name is Kyli."
"C.G" I reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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