The First 'Dream' (2/?)

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Cassandra's disoriented footsteps echoed through the dimly lit halls. her arms clung to the orange cat like a lifeline. The notebook now secured to her waist with a makeshift belt- it contained incoherent scribbles and sketches- details she couldn't figure out but understood she needed it. Cringing as a strange but dull skunk like smell slowly invaded her nostrils, it made her eyes water and her stomach churn.

She wandered, far from the garage and into the connected building, her senses screaming- demanding for her to search for answers. Every hallway seemed to lead to more confusion, and every unlocked door revealed only empty, abandoned office spaces. Until finally she stumbled upon something, a sticky note clinging to the inside of a metal door, its edges curling as if it had been there for ages.

The note was short, its ink faded and smudges "Take the bag. It holds what you'll need when you'll wake up each night" Cassandras skin prickled. She glanced around, feeling like she was being watched... but the halls remained creepily empty.

shakily reaching for the brown satchel bag hanging from a hook beside the note and taking a few steps back, opening it she discovered a few things- a roll of bandages, an odd-shaped water bottle, a few granola bars, a Firestarter, a sturdy rope, and knife. 

Cassandra hesitated, then carefully tucked the sticky note into her notebook. The orange cat still pressed to her side, held under her arm like a bag of potatoes. With a new sense of determination she arranged the inside of the bag. The notebook pushed in alongside the cat. Hiding the sharp blade in her pocket.

Cassandra clasped the bag shut and slung it over her shoulder, finding the weight strangely comforting. She pulled herself up and continued walking, occasionally turning to shine her light on other doors. Most were shut with combination locks, each with different number that went up in order.

Suddenly, a loud noise filled the silence, similar to an old school bell. Its screeching echo shook through the building, making Cassandra to cover her ears with her hands, wincing at the sensitivity to the sound. The screeching only lasted a few moments before fading, cassandras ears now dully hissing as she gently rubbed the sides of her head. 

"what was that.." Cassandra muttered, picking up the flashlight she dropped and clicking it back on. Gasping loudly as she came face-to-face with a dozen rat like creatures, her eyes widening fearfully as she stared at the massive rodents. 


468 words

HEHEHEHHE CLIFFHANGER! i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! sorry for it being so short I'm also working on classwork as i write this. Have a good rest of your day/night my dears! make sure to drink plenty of water and to eat healthy food!



!!!!!!!I ONLY POST ON WATTPAD!!!!!!!

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