Chapter two

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Off and on

Sweat trickled down his forehead. It collected on his skin into small droplet of water before trickling down. The world spun around him, and his fingers and toes spun. Sometimes he would catch glances of the green treetops, but then the world would turn black once again. His body shook as he froze, the sun gave him no warmth as he lay on the ground. His head spun and every time he would try to move it, it would hurt, and yellow spots would show on his retina. His eyes lolled to the back of his head as he gasped for air. All he could remember was Lycaon looming over him before the world turned dark. Now he was alone, or so he thought, he could not look around as he lay on the ground in immense pain.

The birds chirping cut into his ears, making him cringe. Their chirping worsened his headache. His eyes flickered as he tried to focus on the world spinning around him. Everything was blurry and out of focus. He could not tell if he saw double of everything or not. The smells of the forest made him want to sneeze, but his body would not let him as it had more important things to take care of.

He could not feel his shoulder. It was numb and he could not lift his arms to check it. All Percy could do, was lay on his back and stare up at the treetops as his vision sometimes would disappear. He took a ragged breath. His chest shook as he gasped for air. It felt as if his lungs were being squished together. His palms were sweaty as he lay. He hitched in a breath of air before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and the darkness embraced him.

When Percy woke up again, it was dark. His body was cold and wet from sweat. He felt exhausted as he lay on the ground in the forest. He breathed heavily as he lay on the ground.

His ears perked when he heard a voice a bit away. He closed his eyes to listen to what it was saying.

Suddenly, as if someone tuned up the volume, the voice was as clear as ever.

"He's almost through it. Look, his shoulder is healing!" A voice spoke excitedly. He opened his eyes again and stared up at the dark treetops.

"Hm," another voice huffed. "I don't know... I don't get why Lycaon would want him in our pack."

"Don't you see it? Us with him against the Gods? We'll be unstoppable!" the voice squealed.

Percy swallowed and hitched in a breath. His shoulder was throbbing with pain. He groaned as the pain shot through his body. He closed his eyes and drifted off into the land of the sleeping.

Percy woke up to the sun's rays of light in his face. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. He let out a yawn and groggily sat up. His neck was hurting from laying down in the same position for the Gods knew how long. He glanced around, he was surrounded by trees and bushes. His body ached. He looked down at his shoulder, to see how fatal the wound was, but was surprised to see no wound. He felt his shoulder with his hand and found it smooth. He frowned. Had he dreamt it? Or was this a dream? Was he dead?

He slowly got up from the ground. He swayed as blood rushed to his head and his vision went black for five seconds.

He shook his head and began walking. He wet his chapped lips and gazed around. The forest was silent, except for the birds' loud chirping. His stomach made its presence known by rumbling. He sighed and kept on walking till he caught the scent of something. He sniffed the air and his stomach grumbled once again.

Meat. His subconscious seemed to growl.

Brown fur erupted from his skin and his bones cracked. A tail grew out from his coccyx. Before Percy knew of it, a wolf had taken his place and he was hunting the scent. A deer jerked its head up and bolted when it saw him. He sneered and shot after the deer. The only thing running through the wolves head was food. He could almost imagine its flesh in his watering mouth as he chased after the deer. He was catching up to the deer. He growled as he was about to jump at it, when something slammed into him from the side, interrupting the chase. Percy rolled and got to his feet quickly. He shook his head and looked at the beast who had interrupted his hunt.

Echoes of the Outcast: Abandoned Bonds, Lycaon's ResurgenceWhere stories live. Discover now