Chapter 7

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Wukongs pov:
we can't- move it hurts to much- azure gave up clothes and had us put them on but we went to the nurse immediately after. Macaque started bleeding. I feel distressed and my ass hurts- azure getting suspension for 3 days. That's not even enough for what he's done. “Am I still-” “yes your still pregnant, your baby's protected with it's little shield” the nurse said. Macaque breathed out relieved. “And the- the father?” “Well it says, if you turn around you'll see him” macaque turned over to me and smiled. I looked at him in disbelief. I can't- well- maybe if we.. “don't tell my mom” macaque smiled, “don't worry I won't” he jumped over to me and hugged me tightly. “Okay- okay-” i pushed him back a little. “Hey um. Are we allowed to go home?” I asked “yes, you guys are emitted to go home, you guys just gotta call your parents to pick you up.” “right okay” “is she going home with you?” macaques face scrunched up when the teacher said that. “Uh, yes she is” we stepped outside and i called my mom. “Hey mom- can you pick us up..I- mom no we- you heard? Oh- okay then can- mo- what? I-..I didn't.. Mom- no! Mom listen to me!

Macaques pov:
why is his voice getting louder and shaky- “mom it wasn't- it- he forced us to! Don't- MOM. STOP IT.” “wukong-?” “STOP CALLING ME THAT- NO. WELL MAYBE I DON'T WANT TO.” what is- “YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO MY DAD WAS. YOU CANNOT CALL ME A WHORE WHEN- MOM. IT'S ONLY EVER BEEN MACAQUE I SWEAR I- ..” he dropped his phone and tears started swelling in his eyes. “Wukong are you-” “she- she kicked me out” he looked over at me. My tail dropped and i looked at him with wide eyes. “What..?” why would his mom. But- he has the best mom in history why would- why would she just kick out her own son. “I- why would she do that?” “i think shes mad- i don't know- ive never- seen her this mad before I-” “ill call my mom, and pray shes awake” “okay-” and i did call her, four. Fucking. Times. “Oh! Hey mom did i wake you?..ohhh- okayy- i didn't need to know that mom. Mhm, can me and wukong come home, we can go straight to my room. Okay, yeah, you have to come get us... I love you too mother, see you soon” i looked over to wukong who was crying a whole waterfall. I hug him, my tail wrapping around his. His tail tightened around mine and he hugged back, crying into my shoulders. “Hey it's okay. Were gonna get your stuff tomorrow okay? My mom can go get them from your mom. Okay?” “o-okay.” a little while later my mom came and picked us up. “So, why am i picking you guys up?” “we don't wanna talk about it right now mom.” “alright. Home we go”

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