the 54th millionth return (update 03/30/2024)

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I finally understand.

I'm just like them.

When I was younger, just like everyone on here, whenever someone made a really really good story, then announced a hiatus that lasted like 4 years, it sucked.

It's a story you get attached too, and updates after such a long time kinda dampen the excitement you have for it.

Of course, the author's needs and interests come first. If someone happens in their life where they need to take a break or they simply do not want to write anymore, that's no fault to them.

It still hurts seeing such an amazing story go out like that though.

So when I began writing on Wattpad, I made a personal vow to finish every book or fanfic I started, no matter how many hiatuses or breaks I take.

Which is why we are back today.

It's been about a 2 year hiatus for me here. I had a few updates here and there but nothing noting a major comeback. It was pretty much my longest break ever.

It's not like I don't like writing these stories. In fact I enjoy reading these stories and over the past 2 years I've been rereading them over and over. Quite literally the plot for Randomness and Light in the Darkness is already complete. The issue is just finding the time to write it all.

On top of that, I've taken to writing my own original stories these days, and have been working on a long novel series for the past 5 years that, I hate to say it, has more of a priority over the fanfictions I have on Wattpad.

With that being said, I don't intend to ditch my stories on here at all, and will do my very best to make significant progress this year.

If worse comes to worse and I cannot update these stories in good faith or I simply lose interest in writing, I'll update each story detailing the rest of the plot and the ending so quench some feeling of completion. I don't want to do that and I know it would be unsatisfying but it's the true.

But anyways I think I'm back in the sense that I'm not gonna take 2 months to update something lol. Hope I can finish out these stories strong :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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