Chapter 28 - Louis

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As I stepped into the grand chamber of the temple, the sight of Odette and Natasha waiting for me greeted me with a warm familiarity.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Odette greeted me with a playful smile that lit up the room, igniting a flutter of excitement within me.

Natasha, the strategist, wasted no time in reminding us of our mission with a hint of teasing in her tone. "Alright, lovebirds, time to focus. We've got work to do. Your mission: infiltrate the castle, courtesy of Odette's connections, and eliminate Cedrick to restore Odette's rightful place on the throne."

Hope surged within me as Natasha outlined our plan. Perhaps, against all odds, we could indeed bring justice back to the kingdom and secure Odette's future. But Odette's concern about the loyalty of the guards cast a shadow of doubt over our chances.

Natasha's grin, a mischievous glint in her eyes, hinted at a deeper strategy at play. "Trust me, the guards have more reasons to despise Cedrick than you can imagine. His tyrannical rule has left the kingdom in shambles."

With determination fueling our every step, I eagerly echoed Odette's sentiment, "What are we waiting for? Let's end this once and for all."

And then, as if woven by the threads of fate itself, Natasha unveiled her master plan with a flourish of mystical energy. A surge of electric blue light enveloped Odette and me, propelling us into the heart of Oryn with a sense of purpose and urgency.

As we hurtled through the blue light, I felt Odette's reassuring grip on my hand, anchoring me amidst the whirlwind of uncertainty. And when we finally landed on familiar ground, back in Oryn, it was with a renewed sense of determination and hope that we set forth to confront our destiny and shape the future of the kingdom.

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