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No one saved me any plates at the pool party. I pickled myself in the chlorinated water and when everyone left I drank what was left of the fruit punch. That was fifth grade.

In fifth grade I was continuously passing through the bowels of the universe. I got stuck more times than I'd like to admit. Fifth grade was illogical, but you could say un-logical. It only becomes a word when you speak it into existence. Linguistic consummation. I wish I could say 'dreamed' instead of 'dreamt' and 'sleeped' instead of 'slept' without tasting chlorine and lime basil perfume in my mouth.

In fifth grade I gifted this girl I had a crush on shampoo, and she got mad at me. It was strawberry scented. She liked the tall blond boy more than me. I bet you would like the tall blond boy more too.

Another girl I liked loved Billie Eilish so I gave her a beanie and a Kitkat. She said thank you and took them but she never wore the beanie. Later that day I sent her a message on Snapchat that said 'sorry for liking u'. She told me it was alright and that I couldn't control what I liked and then she went and told her friends I was a stalker.

I wish I knew you in fifth grade. We would've made a great team. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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