~ the party ~

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TW; unwanted touching and kissing.
Salemluvsuu has posted!

Salemluvsuu; see you tonight, xoxo

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Salemluvsuu; see you tonight, xoxo.

Jaxhoe; hot asf.
Replies. Enzooberkshire; fuck off??

Mrnott; pretty girllllll
Replies. Salemluvsuu; Theo ur so sweet

Riddlemethis; gorgeous ❤️


About to get drunk as fuck 😜💅

Salem are you sure that's a good idea tho?

Guess I won't be drinking tonight.

SALEM walks into the party and immediately smells alcohol, she goes up to the bar and orders a drink then all of a sudden feels hands on her waist and immediately turns around to see Jax,

"Um please move your hands.." she whispers kindly.

"Why?" He says smirking.

She then pulls away or at least tries to. His grip tightens on her waist and he pulls her away from the party and close to the bathrooms, he starts kissing her and she starts to cry, she finally pulls away and screams loud enough FOR EVERYONE to hear.

Enzo's head snaps back and so does mattheo's, mattheo sees the tears running down her face and Jax's hand going over her mouth, he runs over and grabs Jax off her and punches him, he then pushes him down and a whole fight starts, Enzo walks over and joins in helping mattheo, then Theo, then Blaise. All 4 of them jumping Jax.

Salem walks over and tries to pull Jax off mattheo, he then elbows her in the nose and her head goes back a little, blood starts pouring out of her nose and pansy runs over

"Shit sal come on." Pansy says walking her out of the party.

Mattheo saw what happened and Blaise immediately shoved Jax off and elbowed him in the face. Theo mattheo blaise and Enzo left. Going to Salem's dorm.

They walked into her dorm and saw her crying in pansy's arms, her nose bleeding still.

Mattheo walked over and kneeled down and held Salem.

"Breathe Salem breathe."

To be continued...

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