Family vacation in Algiers

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That morning, Jasmine was the first to wake up

The young girl was just so happy and impatient because that same afternoon they were all leaving for Algiers, her Dally had surprised her by offering her plane tickets

While Dally was still sleeping soundly, his hand tenderly and lovingly placed on his Jasmine's stomach, Jasmine tenderly and lovingly took her Dally's hand in hers and tenderly and lovingly kissed it before tenderly and lovingly cuddling it against her cheek and gently place it on her stomach

Dally fidgeted a little in his sleep

"My Jasmine ... my little angel ..."

Jasmine smiled tenderly and placed a tender and loving kiss on her Dally's lips

"Sweet dreams, my love, I love you" Whispered Jasmine tenderly and almost inaudibly against her Dally's lips before tenderly and lovingly cuddling her face against his "With all my heart, I love you my Dallas"

Finally a few minutes later, Dally woke up

"Hey my little angel, you're already awake ..." Whispered Dally tenderly and lovingly, still a little asleep, a tender and loving smile naturally appearing on his face when his eyes fell on his Jasmine and tenderly and lovingly caressing her beautiful black hair with his fingertips

Smiling tenderly and looking at her Dally with so much love and tenderness, Jasmine nodded tenderly

Tenderly and lovingly, Dally kissed then his Jasmine, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth and still tenderly and lovingly stroking her beautiful black hair

Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss, tenderly and lovingly placing her hand on her Dally's cheek and tenderly and lovingly stroking it with her thumb

"Did you sleep well, my little angel?" Asked Dally tenderly and lovingly against his Jasmine's lips, still tenderly and lovingly stroking her beautiful black hair and looking at her with so much love and tenderness

"Always when I'm in your arms, my love" Smiled Jasmine tenderly, looking at her Dally with so much love and tenderness and still tenderly and lovingly caressing his cheek with her thumb "And you ?

- Me too, my little angel, how could it have been otherwise, my princess ? I had my goddess in my arms" Tenderly and lovingly, Dally brushed a lock of his Jasmine's beautiful black hair behind her ear

Jasmine blushed a little

"I love it when you blush, my doll, you're just so adorable, never stop doing it my little angel" Tenderly and lovingly, Dally kissed his Jasmine again, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth again and tenderly and lovingly caressing her beautiful black hair again

Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss

"I love you

- I love you too my little angel, more than anything in the world, I love you Jasmine Lina Winston, my Jasmine, my princess, my reason for living, my light of my life" Whispered Dally tenderly, lovingly and almost inaudibly against his Jasmine's lips, tenderly and lovingly caressing her cheek and her beautiful black hair "You and our children, you are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in life and you are the dearest thing in the world to me, I love you so much, I would do anything for you, I couldn't live or breathe without you, my only loves and reasons to live

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas Winston part 2Where stories live. Discover now