What to do?

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A/N: I'll try to post every Wednesday and sorry for the short chapter!

    First it was his hand and then his foot. His body wasn't quite able to fully move which bought them some time. His head slowly came up from the couch and was leveled with the rest of his body. He looked around at everybody's anticipating stares. Scott finally went over to him and ripped the tape off his mouth as Stiles took a deep breath. But was it really Stiles? Everybody waited for him to say something. The next few minutes went by in silence, so it was obvious he wasn't exactly in a chatty mood. He just stared off into space not worrying about the glares from around him. Which was never something Stiles would never usually do. Scott took a deep breath and looked at Deaton. "What do we do? We've already been inside his head! What else can we do?" Scott sounded panicked, he tried to remain logical but he just couldn't anymore. He was upset about everything that happened...everything The Nogitsune had said.

    Scott's head jerked up as he hears Deaton begin to speak. "Maybe we should go to the kitchen so then he doesn't hear us." Scott nodded as he followed Deaton into the kitchen. Deaton leaded against the table as Scott stood close to the table clearly not as calm at Deatoon was.

    Scott shrugged his shoulders as he began to speak clearly annoyed and trying to remain calm. "So what do we do now? We have to fight him but when? What do we do until then?" Scott just wanted his brother back. He couldn't stand thinking about his memories. Scott placed his hand in his stomach feeling for some sort of mark or bruise but there was nothing there.

Deaton looked at Scott and remained calm. He spoke softly, "We need a plan."

"Okay we fight him right now when he can't fright back for himself!" Scott yelled out before thinking.

"Yes, but the Kanima venoms running ou-"

"We use more Kanima venom!" Scott once again blurred out, once again interrupting Deaton.

"Scott!" Deaton raised his voice which surprised Scott. Scott took a step back and looked at Deatons serious yet calm expression.

Scott looked down at his hands and sighed. "Sorry..." He muttered looking at the floor instead of Deaton. Scott couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want this...monster and Stiles to become one. He wanted Stiles back...for good.

Deaton sighed as he smiled softly at Scott. "You're idea could work, but not for a long term plan. We need him to feel like...like he's loosing." Deaton said struggling to find the right way to say it. Scott stared at him blankly. How were they supposed to make The Nogitsune feel like he was loosing? "Okay I know how it sounds but if him and Stiles both feel worn down enough The Nogitsune will do something drastic..." Deaton didn't finish his sentence as stated at Scott and sighed once more.

    Scott looked at him in disbelief. How were they going to make him feel like he was loosing!? Scott looked back at Stiles sitting on the couch and couldn't help but think back to the time him and Lydia spent in his head. "Okay what'a the drastic thing The Nogitsune will do?" Scott said sternly, being upset. He crossed his arms and paced back and forth by the table. Even though Deaton couldn't smell chemo signals he could tell Scott was anxious.

    Deaton looked at Scott and just shook his head and looked at the table. His hand holding the table as he put all is weight against it. "The Nogitsune is a being who only wants to see chaos, pain, and strife.  If he thinks he's loosing he'll do something...chaotic, if you will. But that chaos will most likely put Stiles on the line, whether physically or mentally." Deaton could feel Scott's angry wide eyed glare. Scott's hands shook in anger. He just wanted to grab Deaton and scream at him but he knew Deaton was going to be the brains of the operation that Stiles couldn't be at the moment. "You just have to find that window which is why we need a plan. The Nogitsune is a powerful being and combined with Stiles he knows all of your packs weaknesses, again...mentally and physically." Deaton couldn't bear to say it to Scott but it was the truth. Scott looked at his hands, deep down...he knew Deaton was right. Scott always wanted to jump the gun on every single thing. But Stiles was always there and he always had a plan for not only Scott but the whole pack.

    He needed to listen to Deaton, no matter goes much he wanted to get this over with. "Okay so what should the plan be?" Scott said as he sighed and looked up at Deaton. The anger and annoyance he had previously felt now replaced by a sense of urgency to help his friend.

    Deaton slightly smiled as he looked at Stiles quickly then back to Scott. "Well you were right about using the kanima venom to our advantage but I'm just not sure whe-" Suddenly there were yells and a bunch of mangled voices but one stood out to Scott the most...It was Stiles.

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