Chapter 13

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Hey guys, I would like to inform you that this chapter will be a little bit short for my usual because I'm kind of sick and I don't feel so good so let's get started

Sumire please let me explain please
Sasuke explain what that you beat up my daughter to the point that she's unconscious on the floor
Sumire I can explain that she provoked me she started saying mean things about me that she was going to take my child. She was going to ask out with me away. She was just making lies and said she was gonna get rid of me Sasuke I know my daughter and she would never lie and make those claim. She is the kind of person I met and that's enough of you. I don't wanna hear you talking.
Sumire but but king Sasuke
Naruto enough Sumire guards take her way to her bedroom lock her up and we can finally decide about her punishment will be first we need to get a doctor to see the princess so get a move on
Sasuke this is your fault Boruto you cannot control that woman she is out of line. Look at my daughter she's unconscious a face looks horrible blood everywhere. I think she broke her nose not get hurt. She looks horrible.
Boruto I know I'm looking at right now king Sasuke, but I didn't think she was capable of doing this. I never thought she would do this. I told her it was in about the conversation we're having to go to her room and don't come out but no she doesn't want to listen to me.
Guard the doctor has arrive. Your highness is.
Dr 👩‍⚕️ m you should pick up the princess and put her in her bed so I can examine her
Narrator to guards pick up sarada from the floor and laid her down softly in her bed
Dr. M you sure I'll get out so you can let me do my work so we're outside. I'll let you know when you can come in.
Everyone OK we'll be waiting outside
Narrator as a doctor, that on her examinations, she found that sarada had some injuries in her face. They were bleeding. They were not that damaging, but the fall that hit her head she was bleeding. The cut was gonna deep in the back of her head. When she hit the floor does she would be in coma for three days but with everything else she would be fine
Dr. M I finished with my examination I'm gonna let them know goes outside
Sasuke how is my daughter? Is she OK tell me what happened to her I want to know I'm worried sick.
Dr m your highness your daughter is fine. She had some interest in her face. It was just bleeding nothing to series on the phase of bruises. Nothing bad, but she will be in coma for three days. She hit her head pretty hard, and it ended up getting a cut on the back of her head pretty deep it would not be life-threatening, but she will be in coma for three days or longer. We can pray that it's three days.
Naruto I can't believe this. Her wedding is a week away. What are we gonna do? We can't post from the wedding anymore this is horrible what are we gonna do?
Sasuke we're gonna move the wedding for next month because my daughter is not getting married looking like that and I'm not even sure if she'll be waking up three days from now or two weeks from now I need to make sure everything with my daughters health is OK because my daughters health is a first priority. Everything else comes second.
Naruto if you say so, Sasuke I'll make the arrangement super spend the wedding till next month and I'll make sure your daughters health is prioritize. She'll have a daughter looking at her every day to make sure she's OK. And Boruto will go talk to Sumire. To let her know that me, and you will be deciding on her punishment, and she will be reprimanded for what she did.
Sasuke I agree we should discuss her punishment severely cause she did it's unforgivable. She left my daughter in coma. They said she can wake up in a week three days or you in longer. What would be your feeling if your daughter was in the bed what would you to do with a person that did that to you daughter tell me
Naruto I will murder the pastor and kill him and torture him to never see the day off light
Sasuke so you know exactly how I feel yes
Himawari Dad is Sarada is it going to be OK? We all just have to believe she's a strong girl but I'm gonna go I have homework to do and I'm gonna go pick flowers for her. I know she loves the roses and I'm gonna make her feel better cards with Mom .
Hinata I will personally take care of her. I'll make sure everything with her doctors appointments I come to visit her successfully great I'll make sure she's clean and make sure they feed her to the syringe to make sure she won't starve to death. I'll take every arrangement considerable to take care of your daughter until she wakes up I'll take care of her as she was child
Sasuke thank you Hinata. I appreciate if you would do that ever mean a lot to me you really know how important she is to me she's my only daughter and thank you.
Hinata, don't mention it Sasuke is the least I can do after my sons accident cause and talking about that Boruto I want you to go talk to Sumire and I was wanted to apologize to Satada when she wakes up and also I want you to make sure that the girl never stepped foot inside Sarada room ever again and if she does, she'll be so really punish
Boruto yes mother I will let her know right now if he has excuse me I'll be on my way now to let her know
Narrator after five minutes of walking, he finally made it to Sumire's room and enter
Boruto I need to talk to you. What were you thinking
Sumire I wasn't thinking I was mad at her if you want to take my female with
Boruto what does it mean you had to beat her up? What were you trying to do?
Sumire I was defending our ❤️ love

Hey guys, this was all for today I know it's quite a little bit shorter than I usually do but as I said in the beginning, I'm not feeling so good and I hope you enjoyed. I'm not gonna be posting tomorrow, but I will post Saturday and thank you and I hope you like this .

The alliance between two kingdoms Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora