Chapter 17

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Hey guys, I hope you guys like this chapter I'm still struggling with my schedule, but I will post this series will end this year

Sakura whatever
Narrator after Sakura finish examining side of the healing, the wounds in her head and everything she's going to tell everybody what she has
Sasuke OK soccer tell me what she has a she gonna be OK
Sakura yes, Sasuke calm down she'll be OK. I heal her wounds properly because it seems they didn't do that right I'll just have keep her and ask her vacation for three days to make sure she wakes up after the treatment I did, but she should be fine and I'll leave after that so if you can arrange for me to have a room to stay in for these three days, it will be really much appreciated
Sasuke yes Sakura I'll let another to know to make the arrangements for you to stay in monitor Sarada during the night as well
Sakura OK thank you if you miss excuse me I'm gonna go make her medication's at the medical side of the palace
Narrator after Sakura, left to make the medication, sasuke went straight into an artist hospice
Naruto oh hey Sasuke come in tell me what Sakura say is your daughter gonna be fine?
Sasuke yes, my daughter will be fine. She said she had to heal the wounds properly and fix the mistakes the other doctor made, and she said she'll keep monitoring her for three days and she went to make the medication herself that she'll need to treat her and I was wondering if you could provide a room for her so she could stay in to monitor my daughters health for the three days
Naruto yes I can do that sounds great. I'll make sure everything will be settled for her to make sure everything goes well but how are you feeling? Seen her again I know it's quite traumatic really
Sasuke Naruto I really don't want to talk about this it was for the sake of my daughter that I had to talk to that bitch that still sounds offended who denied that she was her daughter even as her health is deteriorating in that bad and sometimes I wonder if he even has a heart but then again, who am I to judge her? She thought it was normal to do the same thing her mother did to her father and look what I got us. I made my marriage a living hell do you think she can come around and act all happy with our new family, but then again, she did leave me and his daughter.
Naruto oh, yes, she did the same mistake your parents did a whole week to judge her decisions. If she's happy, living minimum wage doctor is what she chose for herself because she was once an empress that had everything in the world to her feet, and she would trade it all for a person to live in poverty, but have loving child that's what she chose as much as I would like to keep talking to you on this subject I have to go talk to boruto and tell him the information you just told me
Sasuke you're right pusher I'll let you be now I have to do some work of my own kingdom as well. I'll be off to my room to try to finish some paperwork to send back to my kingdom to get everything settled for what I need to do so have a nice day Naruto and thank you.
Narrator after his conversation to Sasuke, Naruto went straight into Boruto's office to talk about the wonderful news. That sarada is being treated properly and she'll be waking up in three days.
Naruto knock in the door boruto may I come in I need to discuss something with you
Boruto yes, father you may come in I was just finishing some work
Naruto I'm here to tell you the wonderful news that princess  sarada will be waking up in three days she's been treated properly and they said she will wake up in three days and we can start planning your wedding to reschedule it and thank God her health is looking great
Boruto that's great for that's wonderful news. We should deliver treats to all the villagers to pray for the princess and just celebrate her. She'll be healthy in a few days to get all the people to pay her respects and pray for her health cause you know how much the villages love Sarada with all the charity work she is the People's princess love my everybody so if you can get the arrangements right away to start doing that, I'll start distributing money and treats so we can celebrate our healthy recovery in this three days
Naruto Barto that's a great idea. I will start doing that right away preparing everything for the people to pray for her health and we can celebrate once she recovers a lot of people will show up you are right she is the People's princess and I'm happy that you started to recognize that and I'll do your request and prepare everything .
Boruto Thank you father that you will accept my request. Is that all you have to say because I need to finish my work
Naruto yes but that was all I'm gonna leave you to it now bye
Narrator a few hours later, the person that gives boruto lot of headaches came in through that door

Sumire Barito, my love are you still mad at me forgive me I didn't mean to hurt the princess. Please forgive I did it to the defend our love that we have for each other I didn't do it was bad intention
Boruto Sumire you tell me that I'm with bad intentions, all the discuss problems for me and make my life worse so she was excuse me please go back to your room so I can finish my work and I don't wanna hear about this anymore and I am done talking about this subject asked for
Sumire how can you talk to me like that saying you don't wanna talk to her anymore but I'm not I'm talking and you will listen to me and you will forgive me
Boruto I said that's enough and when we talking about the subject anymore, so leave now
Sumire I would not leave. Do you want to finish talking so shut up

OK guys it was all for today. I hope you enjoy and tune in for the next episode so thank y'all and coming down below what do you think she will say?

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