whats love?

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if someone asked me about love
i'd start the story off with you
about how much i cared for you
how much you loved me too
i would explain how you took away my frights
and how you gave me a reason to get through the nights
i'd tell them about the texts and paragraphs you sent
how the started off good
but slowly turned to bad
tell them that what was once a reality slowly faded to memory
how a sweatshirt that once smelled of your cologne now smells like marc jacob's daisy love
that still loving them is ok
because when you meet a person you fall for
their scars and flaws become something beautiful
how i let you become something you didn't deserve to be
how i made you my everything
smiles and laughs
you were everything i ever wanted and more
and ever after everything, i still care for you
to explain to someone what love is
i would have no answer because for me, the answer is you

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