Part 17- Goodbye

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I've never experienced a loved one dying but today was the day.

I received a call from the hospital at 2:32 am and I immediately broke down in tears as I listened to what they had to say.

I told my friends. As soon as I told them, they had a look of horror and grief on their faces. I felt we should call GL about this first.

(The call):

GL: Ambush? Everything okay?

Ambush: No, terrible news

Gl: ......what?

Ambush: Screech is dying, almost gone.

Gl: (Silence for 2 minutes)

Ambush: You there?

Gl: did it happen?

Ambush: Got stabbed by doppelganger. Um, we're going to visit her in the hospital right now, the doctors say she only has a few hours left

Gl: this early?  I'm pretty sure it's only around 2:34 am where you are right now. Warsaw, I assume?

Ambush: Yeah, and she's our friend, of course we'll visit her. We're not going to leave her dying alone.

GL: Um, alright, when you guys are back we'll decide what to do. 

Ambush: Alright, bye.

(Call ends)

To my surprise, GL didn't sound as upset as I thought she would. My mother would of been screaming, literally damaging her vocal cords. The room was so silent, you could hear a strand of hair drop on the floor. 

Me and my roommates got dressed and called a taxi to go to the Warsaw Medical Institution. The sky was in a deep obsidian black, the stars glimmered like glitter, and I could almost see Screech in the sky looking at us. It won't be the same without her.


As soon as we reached the hospital, we immediately ran to Screech's room. We all ran up to her, hugging her. Tears pouring out of our eyes as we did so. "Are you okay?" Dupe asked. I shot a look at him. Of course she's not okay. She's literally dying in a few hours or so. "I'm actually...feeling better but you will have to save our home without me..." Screech replied in a deep voice. We talked to her, spending the last few hours with her. Before the dreaded part arrived. The doctors informed us we had to leave. We said our goodbyes and gave her one last hug before reluctantly leaving the room. 


We finally arrived back at our hotel. I was relieved to go to sleep and rest too, but it would be difficult to do so knowing we've lost a friend of 6 years. The white and modern interior of our hotel calmed me down a little but I still felt like bursting into tears. No one could sleep. Eyes was literally my therapist for the whole night. 

But now I feel relieved that Screech is finally at rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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