Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

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Dr. (Y/N) Ravenwood was perhaps one of the world's leading archaeologists.

He was not only renowned for being one of the best in his field.

But he was also a cultural icon.

Perhaps his most famous escapade that launched him into stardom was when he raided a Mesopotamian temple near the Euphrates and found the crown of Gilgamesh.

Being the loyal-to-the-soil British man that he was. He gave it to the British Museum for safekeeping.

The British had colonized yet another piece of history.

Of Course, this move had its fair share of detractors.

But Dr. (Y/N), A 'Professor' Cum Adventurer of great fame, all he cared about was preserving ancient artefacts, And if Great Britain reaped the rewards.

All the better.


Lara rested her head against the hard oak, it had rained a few moments ago... she was shivering.

But, she was resolute.

Yamatai would not claim her.

She wrapped her wounds slowly and calmly, she could rest for a few hours here and then it was back on the trail for Sam.

Where did it all go so wrong?

Endurance, then those cultists... she had survived countless wounds.

But it made her all the more resilient.

She would battle against the tide without breaking now.


The sounds of an aeroplane flying overhead broke Lara's already half-sleep.


This could be hers and her crew's only way to escape off this island.

She stood up and went towards the noise, it was just past midnight, and the sun was on its grind again.

But that didn't stop the sight she saw from being any less eye-opening.

Someone jumped from the aeroplane... willingly.

They willingly left an aeroplane... with a parachute on their back.

It also seemed they were piloting as the aeroplane quickly changed directions and went on a crash course.

This person was interesting...


But interesting nonetheless.

So she took the stuff she had packed and went to try to rescue this stranger from the jungle... and the cult.


She came across the calculated trajectory, according to her calculations at least, where the person would've landed.

And yes, there it was.

The parachute was cut, quite precisely actually.

It made her a bit suspicious.

The sudden feeling of cold steel on her throat confirmed it.

"What's a gentlelady such as yourself doing out here?" The accent was remarkably British, as British as one can be.

"Dr. Ravenwood." Lara scoffed, as the good doctor loosened his hold on her and let her go, even giving her a napkin to wipe herself.

"I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your hike, Ms. Croft." He stated the words Ms. with a notable emphasis on the Ms... he liked to rub it in that she wasn't a doctor yet.

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