The Avoiding...

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Adrian tried to talk to Marinette all day, but she kept avoiding him. He managed to over hear her talking to Alya "I can't believe I kissed him, Alya!" Marinette was panicking, she just kissed her crush, and then just ran away! What if he didn't like it? What if he hated it! What if- "Calm down girl! Ok, think about it this way, did he pull away?" Alya interrupted Marinette's thought "No..." Marinette said "did he kiss you back?" If it was possible, she was blushing even more now, but not as mush as Adrian was when he over heard... "Y-Yes... A lot..." Marinette said "he probably liked it, I mean, why would you kiss someone back if you didn't like it?" and that's when Alya saw Adrian... "uhhh... Girl?... I think Adrian wants to talk to you... I'll talk to you later" Alya winks at Marinette "W-What?! Don't-" Marinette tried to stop Alya, but it was to late, she was already gone... She knew she was going to have to talk to Adrian but she didn't think she was going to do it so soon! What was she going to do?! Say, 'oh, yeah, I have a crush on you' "H-Hey..." Adrian started to say "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to kiss you, well I did, but-" "it's ok Marinette, it's ok... It was kinda nice..." He whispered the last part... Even though he wanted to tell her, he thought it might be weird... But... He saw her lips... He kinda wanted to kiss her again... "O-Oh... Ok... Sorry again..." She was about to leave, but Adrian kissed her... She was shocked, but gave in... She started to rub his cheek... And he really liked it... She pulled away, but she was inches away from his face so she decided to tease him a little... I mean, she had a crush on him for what? A year now? It's time for some pay back. She pulled him closer, now only one inch apart... He leaned closer to kiss her, but she put her finger on his lips... "you can kiss me tomorrow..." She whisperd in his ear and winked... But oh no, she was not done. She brushed her lips against his but it wasn't technically a kiss And then she rubbed his head... "Mhmm..." Adrian leaned in again but she stopped him again... Marinette could tell this was driving him crazy... She decided that she had enough fun... For now... "Ok, fine..." She leaned in and kissed him... Adrian smiled through the kiss, happy she kissed him again... He put his arms around her waist and pulls her closer... She pulled away... "sorry Adrian, I have to go home... Kiss you tomorrow?..." Marinette said. "O-Okay..." Adrian said, blushing and Marinette had to say, it was nice seeing him blush for once... Marinette walked away "Bye!" She said "B-Bye..." Adrian said, blushing even harder...

Heyyyyy I hope you guys enjoyed this, you better have because it's literally 1:19 AM right now and am going a little crazy right now

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 30 ⏰

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The kissTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang