Chapter 4

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In the quiet town of Monte Carlo, where the streets wind along the sun-kissed Mediterranean coast, Angélique Leclerc's childhood unfolded against a backdrop of roaring engines and screeching tires. From a young age, she was captivated by the thrill of motorsport, her heart racing with excitement as she watched her two brothers tear up the karting circuit.

Despite their modest upbringing, the Leclerc siblings were no strangers to the world of racing. Their father, Hervé, had a notable career in motorsports, primarily in rallying. It was he who had introduced them to karting, spending countless weekends at the local track, tinkering with engines and fine-tuning their racing skills.

As Charles's talent on the track became increasingly evident, it became clear to the Leclerc family that they had a future racing star in their midst. But it wasn't just Charles who showed promise behind the wheel. Angélique, too, possessed a natural flair for karting, her petite frame belied by her fierce determination and steely resolve.

At just eleven years old, Angélique was already making waves in the karting world, her skill and precision on par with drivers twice her age. With each lap, she pushed herself to the limit, her eyes alight with the thrill of competition. And though she may have been overshadowed by her older brother's success, she refused to be relegated to the sidelines, determined to carve out her own path in the male-dominated world of motorsport.

Despite the financial strain it placed on the family, Hervé and his wife, Pascale, spared no expense to support their children's racing ambitions. They scrimped and saved, sacrificing luxuries to ensure that Charles, Arthur, and Angélique had the best equipment and training money could buy. It was a labor of love, a testament to their unwavering belief in their children's potential.

And their efforts did not go unrewarded. Charles's meteoric rise through the ranks of karting brought with it a newfound sense of hope and excitement, his victories fueling his sister's own determination to succeed. Together, they formed a formidable team, pushing each other to new heights and inspiring awe in all who witnessed their talent on the track.

For Angélique, those early years of karting were a time of boundless possibility, a time when dreams seemed within reach and anything felt possible. It was a time when she truly believed that she could conquer the world, one lap at a time. And though the road ahead would prove challenging, she knew that with the unwavering support of her family and the fire of determination burning bright within her, she would stop at nothing to chase her dreams, no matter where they might lead.

The young monégasque was regarded as Max Verstappen's most formidable opponent. From the moment they first locked horns on the track, their rivalry was legendary, their battles the stuff of motorsport legend. For years, they traded victories and podium finishes, each pushing the other to new heights in their quest for dominance.

But it all came crashing down on a fateful day when Angélique was just thirteen years old. It was a hot summer afternoon, the sun beating down mercilessly on the asphalt as the drivers lined up on the grid. Angélique, her heart pounding with anticipation, felt a surge of adrenaline as she prepared to take on her greatest rival once again.

As the race got underway, she quickly found herself locked in a fierce battle with Max, their karts weaving and darting through the pack as they fought for position. But then, disaster struck. On the approach to a tight hairpin corner, Angélique's brakes failed, sending her kart careening out of control.

In an instant, chaos erupted as Max, unable to react in time, plowed into the back of Angélique's kart with devastating force. The impact sent her flying through the air, her body twisting and contorting as she hurtled toward the barriers at breakneck speed. The sickening sound of metal crunching against metal filled the air as her kart slammed into the barriers, the force of the impact shattering her fragile body.

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