PT 1

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It was a typical day in the Wind Kingdom, April 17th. The day that would happen every year to all kingdoms - the day the eldest of each kingdom would be assigned an arranged marriage.
Sanemi's eyelids fluttered open as the bright sunlight blinded him through the translucent curtains in his room. Sighing, he got up and sat up on the bed. He knew there would be some sort of trouble when being paired up with another princess, there's always been trouble.

Hearing shouting from downstairs, he knew it was his mother Shizu, the queen of the Wind Kingdom calling for him to get ready for the big day. Reluctantly, he got up and neatly made his bed as usual, he trudged towards the window and opened the curtains, being greeted by the big glowing orb in the vast, open skies. Sanemi wasn't really worried about who he was paired up with, he didn't mind as long as they don't annoy him.. Either way he didn't have a choice, no Prince or Princess had a choice, fate is fate and you will always have to accept what happens.

He carefully put on a pair of black trousers and a snow-white button-up, long sleeved shirt. Sanemi feels constricted around his neck, so for any occasion he doesn't button up his shirt. He doesn't care if anyone sees the scars he has on his body from when he was training to be a warrior and encountered a group of dangerous men and fought them all on his own, ending up successful but getting lots of cuts and bruises all over his body too.

 He doesn't care if anyone sees the scars he has on his body from when he was training to be a warrior and encountered a group of dangerous men and fought them all on his own, ending up successful but getting lots of cuts and bruises all over his ...

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(This is what he's wearing, I'm not gonna describe it all.) (and just imagine it's unbuttoned, please.)
After getting dressed, he headed downstairs seeing his personal butler serve breakfast on the dining table. The only thing Sanemi was actually looking forward to on this day was meeting up with his friend, Iguro Obanai - he had to travel to another country and he hasn't seen him in a week, he's also seeing Kanae again, they usually meet up at the barrier of both their neighbouring kingdoms to catch up with each other but she's been busy doing her responsibilities, or whatever.

Quietly, he sat down on the table, opposite his mother who was smiling reassuringly at him. His father on the other hand is busy travelling around the world, no-one in his family other than his mother actually liked their father, because he'd argue a lot, he gets drunk easily and when he becomes drunk he usually tends to hit his mother, Shizu. The two also argue a lot, mostly about who they would pick as his future-wife.. or about the middle sibling of Sanemi.. Genya Shinazugawa, he's trained halfway in being a warrior with his father - but his father abandoned training because he was 'too weak' and would 'never become anything in life.' Taking after his fathers arrogant and irritated attitudes, Genya also acts like that sometimes. Secretly, Sanemi had always felt bad for Genya. Seeing how father would treat him and even how peasants would treat him despite being a royal. For some or no reason, Sanemi has always been cruel to him, but inside, he deeply cared for him and wished him the best.

Then a voice snapped Sanemi back to reality. 'Eat up, honey. We mustn't be late to visit your future-wife!' His mother states, him and all his siblings loved their mother because she would always look to the bright side of things and always knew what to do when something was wrong. 'Yeah..' Sanemi replies softly, picking up a golden fork and stabs the syrup-covered pancakes.

'So.. have you decided my future bride, mother?' Sanemi eagerly looks up at his mother sitting opposite him, her face lights up.

'I think I've chosen the perfect bride for you..'

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