Chapter 1

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"Aeindri... Aeindri wake up it's your 1st day of class 10th, and here, you're still sleeping" ohh.. my mother is here to wake me up "Yes maa I'm awake I was just praying to Laddu"
"Go get ready and come downstairs I'm making breakfast for you "My mother says before leaving me alone In my room..

I'm ready and now I'm going downstairs to have my breakfast.
Here my father is reading the newspaper.

" Good morning papa". "Good morning beta" he replies
"Where is di ? Why she is not having breakfast with us ?"
"Ohh Ashi.."

My mother interrupts him "She studied the whole night and now she is sleeping she is not like you who doesn't even care about her grades" I
groan "But maa, I didn't say anything about her.I just asked where she is why do you always compare me with her ?"

"Stop! Now you're arguing with me?"
Then my father says "Yes your mother is right, now in the next few months you're going to have exam if you will not focus on your studies, then you know you will fail"

I'm just sitting on my dining chair. And I can't understand what I have done wrong that my parents compare me with my sister all the time.
I get up from the chair. My father says "Why is she not having breakfast with us?"

I ignore him, pick up my bag and leave my house for the bus stop.

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