Chapter 12

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My sister has convinced my mother, and I don't know how she gave me permission to go on the picnic..
We are in the bus and we are going to the picnic spot.

Disha says " Our results are going to come next week "
Tanvi says annoyingly " Don't talk about all this on picnic, we have come here to enjoy, and not to take stress"
Meanwhile, our school bus has reached the picnic spot.

This is a very beautiful park, with a lovely garden full of flowers.
Tanvi says "Look , Atharv has also come here "  "Let's talk to him "
" Are you mad ?, I will not talk to him".

Tanvi says while rolling her eyes" Divya hasn't come here today otherwise, she wouldn't even let you talk to him". I don't know what problem Divya has with me, she makes me feel insecure on everything.
Tanvi is an extrovert, She can tell anything to anyone.

Atharv is with his friends.
Tanvi says " Hii atharv"
He says "Hiii.. you guys are from class 10th ?"
I extend my hand towards him for a handshake, he's looking at me awkwardly, but he didn't take my hand for the handshake. I'm feeling very embarrassed and I just want to run and hide somewhere.
I wince "Sorry"
I'm running away from him, and I'm feeling very embarrassed of what I just did.

Avni says "where were you guys"
"We just went to see the garden, there are a lot of beautiful flowers "
I didn't tell her the truth otherwise, she would start giving me useless reality checks again.


I had a lot of fun on the picnic, Disha had also brought her phone so we clicked a lot of pictures from her phone.

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