Bridged Showdown

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Skylar moved with fluid grace, her form spinning and deflecting strikes from all directions as staffs shot at her. Gatling guns of staffs emerged from the ground, forcing her to dance between them. Gilgamesh watched all of this with a cocky smirk from his flying throne, tilting his head to the side at random moments as arrows made of ice flew past his head.

The flying throne he stood on was now littered with ice arrows. At the start, he had been sitting down, but the constant tinging sound next to his ears whenever he dodged one of the many arrows was starting to get on his nerves. The constant tinkling of arrows hitting the ground around him grated on his nerves, slowly eroding his patience.

From the ground, the only thing one would be able to see with the naked eye were rapid speeding lights cutting through the air as they fought, moving fast enough that small shockwaves appeared opposite each other with every clash.

On the bridge below them, Jack, Izuku, Saber, and Berserker rushed across, their progress hindered by relentless attacks from the elevated ground opposite them. Their pace slowed from the barrage of attacks as they retaliated the best they could, exposed and vulnerable in the open.

The elevated ground, a towering stone pillar, served as the central connection point within the first bridge leading to the manor beyond. Hidden within this pillar were Archer and Dabi, who launched relentless barrages that hindered Red's progress.

While Archer and Dabi attacked from a distance, Neo and Pretender provided crucial support. Neo conjured illusions around the enemy Masters, creating confusion, while Pretender bolstered her allies and crafted multiple illusions to deceive the enemy Servants on the ground.

Meanwhile, Saber stood guard on the bridge beneath them, ready to intercept any who managed to get close.

Above them, the battle between Gilgamesh and Skylar raged on. She moved with fluid grace, deflecting strikes and evading attacks from all directions as Gilgamesh observed with a cocky smirk. The two were now in close range, and Skylar had switched her weapon from a bow to a large halberd, using its reach to swiftly take out the staffs with fluid motion.

Gilgamesh, not to be outdone, pulled out a weapon that looked like a mix between a spear and an axe. The scene culminated in a dramatic clash as Gilgamesh's axe met Skylar's halberd, the impact sending shockwaves through the air. The tension hung thick as their weapons locked.


All while the adjacent bridge hosted its own fierce battle. Ochako rode atop her rider class's NP, maneuvering deftly to evade the relentless attacks from Bakugo and Iskander, who clashed at high speeds from the chariot.

Weiss, Ruby, and Lancer stood at the sidelines, poised to intervene if needed. However, they hesitated as Bakugo's explosive temper and overwhelming confidence led him to reject any assistance.

So the trio watched the cat and mouse fight before them, Ochako's situation remained precarious and her focus unwavering even in the face of overwhelming odds. With each dodge and parry, she searched for an opening to turn the tide of the battle in her favor.

She persisted, her resolve unwavering as she caught sight of Blake through the madness of Bakugo's relentless assault. Blake was carefully trying to maneuver into an advantageous position, but the enemy Lancer was proving difficult to bypass without a distraction.

Blake and Assassin, both on Ochako's side, were poised to help her. Assassin's eyes scanned the battlefield, evaluating who to strike. Bakugo, with his explosive power, was a tempting target, but he was also highly unpredictable and dangerous.

Instead, they decided to target Weiss, who, as the only Master without a Servant, was a strategic focus. Taking out Weiss could help their allies on the other bridge, allowing support to aid them and turn the tides of battle.

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