chapter 27

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"Come on, just do it." Dottie encouraged.

"I don't know about this." Salem mumbled.

"Do it. It's not on us, this'll be on the manager." Brandon said, leaning against the wall of the restaurant.

"No, this is stupid." Salem sighed.

Eli stepped up behind her, placing their hand over hers on the plate. "Just wind it back and chuck it at the ground. These plates are cheap and gross anyway." They said, their breath on her neck.

She raised the plate over the street in the alley behind the diner, sending it sailing until it cracked and broke into big shards of porcelain. They cheered, taking swigs from their bottles, throwing glasses down in solidarity.

"Didn't that feel good?" Dottie asked.

"It felt awkward." Salem admitted.

"It's cathartic." Brandon said, "Releasing your anger and emotions through physical violence."

She smiled small, taking another plate off the stack of dishes from the bussing tub on top of the closed dumpster. Tightening her grip on it, she hailed it at the ground, and it shattered. "This isn't enough. I want to like, break a window or something. Beat up a parking meter."

Eli snorted. "Well, that's legitimate property damage. We're gonna have to stick to mildew smelling dishes the rack couldn't cover."

Dottie stood up straight, pushing off the wall. "I gotta get back inside. Someone's gotta keep an eye on the rugrats." She said, taking another swig from her bottle before chucking it at the ground and smashing it.

Brandon nodded, downing the rest of his bottle, handing it to Salem. "Those dishes aren't gonna get moldy on their own. They're gonna need a push." he muttered, patting her shoulder as he followed Dottie inside.

Salem glanced up at Eli, her eyes dropping to the broken remnants of plates. "Do you feel any better?" They asked.

Salem shook her head, chucking Brandon's bottle at the street in a crash of glass shards and splash of beer. "Not exactly. It was nice to break some shit, but I'm still fucking drained. I just want everything..." She trailed. "I don't know. I just want everything to slow down."

"The world doesn't stop for anyone." They murmured. "It's not just you that's falling behind."

"I know." Salem said, leaning back against the restaurant wall. "What's going on with you to make you fall behind? It kinda seems like you have everything figured out."

"I'm alright but, the clinic is closing." They said simply. "I knew it was coming but it still sucks."

Salem frowned. "I'm sorry. I know that's why you got another job. Have you looked into different clinics or law firms?"

"I've applied to a few firms just waiting to hear back. I don't mind staying at the diner for now." Their voice was easy, calm, dismissive. "But I'm well. How about you?"

Salem shook her head. "I'm fine." she said, clearing her throat. "I'm fine. I am. This'll pass. Everything does." She shrugged one shoulder.

Eli stepped towards her, placing their hands on the wall above her head, caging her in. "Really?" They asked.

Salem swallowed hard but nodded. "Peachy keen." she muttered.

"You doing anything later?" They asked, a light smile on their lips. "Did you wanna hang out?"

She nodded. "I wish. But I have to discipline my delinquent nephew." She mumbled.

"Give me a call when you're done. I'll be up late." They said, their eyes scanning her face before pushing off the wall to start back inside.

Salem took a deep breath and finished the rest of her beer before chucking it at the ground and heading back inside. The diner was busy, and she was easily flustered, deciding to retreat to her sort-of-office. She walked behind the counter, meeting Eli at the order window. They slapped her on the butt as she went.

"Salem." She stopped dead in her tracks behind the counter at the call of a familiar voice. An eerily familiar voice.

When she turned around, there was a girl, a young woman in her early 20s with fair skin and honey blonde hair standing on the other side of the counter. She had wide green eyes, bubblegum pink lips, a narrow nose, and pointed chin. She wore tights with a denim miniskirt and white sweater, her pink coat folded over her arm.

Salem furrowed her brow. "Zoe." She murmured.

Eli looked up at Salem, two plates in hand. "Are you okay?" Eli asked quietly, raising the divider with their knee.

"It's been a while." Zoe continued. "Since we've seen each other."

Salem nodded, looking at Eli. "I'm fine." she said quietly, turning back to Zoe. "What can I get you?" She asked.

Zoe narrowed her eyes. "Salem, I came here because I wanted to talk to you. I heard you were working here and...well I feel like we should talk." She stuttered.

Salem shook her head. "I'm the assistant manager which means I have manager shit I'm not being paid enough to do. If you need something, Dottie or Brandon can help you." She waved dismissively to the diner as she continued back to the office.

"But Salem!" Zoe called. She looked at Eli as they delivered plates. "Can I ask you a favor?" She asked them.

Eli shook their head. "It's not my business, you and Salem. I'm not gonna intervene. I just work here." They muttered.

"No," Zoe said, reaching into her white handbag, pulling out a torn corner of paper and a pen. She scribbled something down, offering it to Eli. "Would you just give her my number? We went to high school together, I just want to talk to her."

Eli shrugged, taking the paper. "I'll leave it in her office, but I can't guarantee anything."

"Thank you. Really." Zoe said, looking them over once before blinking quickly and gathering her things.

Eli headed back to the office. Salem sat at the desk going through papers, casual as can be. She scraped her hair back from her face, dropping her pen as Eli came in. "I'm sorry to interrupt." They started closing the office door.

Salem stood up from the desk abruptly, her chair hitting the wall behind her. Pulling at the tie in her hair. She grabbed Eli by the collar of their hoodie, pulling them in until their bodies collided. She kissed them fast and rough, biting their lip.

Eli pulled back, coming up for air. "Whoa." They muttered, Zoe's note still in their hand as they pressed their knuckles against her hip. "I thought you might be coming over later."

Salem pulled at the hem of their hoodie, moving it up their body. "I don't wanna wait until later." she muttered. Eli shrugged, dropping the note to grab her by the hips.


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