Searching For Scooby + Monster Ambush + The Cyber World Amusement Park

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*Meanwhile, in the streets of the cyber world*

???: *Driving a familiar green van with the words "MYSTERY INC." written on the side* Any sign of Scooby, gang?

???: I'm afraid not, Fred...we've searched the entire city and he's nowhere to be found...we've even searched the malt shop and he's not there...

???: *Holding a box of scooby snacks* Something must be wrong...he would have smelled these scooby snacks from a mile away...

???: Like, we've been searching for hours...where could Scooby be?

(Cyber)Fred): Don't lose hope, Shaggy, Daphne, Velma. Since we searched the whole city for him, the only other place he could possibly be in is...

(Cyber)Velma: The cyber world amusement park!

(Cyber)Shaggy: Hold on buddy, old pal! We're coming!

(Cyber)Fred: Sit tight, gang. Cyber world amusement park, here we co-

Gator Ghoul: *Jumps down from the bridge, and lands in front of the mystery van with a growl*


(Cyber)Daphne: WATCH OUT, FRED!

(Cyber)Fred: Woah! *Stomps on the brakes, stopping the mystery van from hitting Gator Ghoul*

Gator Ghoul: *Shatters the front window with his tail*



(Cyber)Shaggy: Like, i think i know why! *Points behind the mystery van* LOOK!

Old Iron Face: *Pushing the mystery van forwards with his strength* NoNe Of YoU...aRe GoInG aNyWhErE!

(Cyber)Daphne: Jeepers! We're not alone! Look! It's the Creeper!

Creeper: *Walking towards the right of the mystery van* CrEePeR! (wE hAvE yOu RiGhT wHeRe We WaNt YoU!)

(Cyber)Velma: *Gasps in shock* The Tar Monster too??

Tar Monster: *Grabs ahold of the left side of the mystery van, and shakes it* CoMe OuT! yOu CaN't HiDe InSiDe FoReVeR!

Jaguaro: *Lands on top of the mystery van with a roar* YoU'rE tRaPpEd, MyStErY iNc.!


Gator Ghoul: *Moving his head inside the front of the mystery van*

(Cyber)Fred: *Moves his head back, narrowly avoiding getting his head bitten off by Gator Ghoul* Sorry, Gator Ghoul, but... *Steps on the gas* ...we're not on the menu!

Gator Ghoul: *His yellow eyes widen, before he gets pulled under the mystery van*

Old Iron Face: *Trips over, and lands on his iron mask*

Jaguaro: *Falls off of the top of the mystery van, and lands on Gator Ghoul*

(Cyber)Fred: Yes! See you later, alligator! *Driving through the highways*

(Cyber)Daphne: You did it, Freddie!

(Cyber)Shaggy: Like, that was a close one...

(Cyber)Velma: That ought to lose them for a while.

Creeper: *Helping up Old Iron Face* CrEePeR? (aRe YoU gUyS HuRt?)

Old Iron Face: *Rubbing his iron mask* I'lL bE fInE...lUcKy My MaSk PrOtEcTeD mY fAcE...wHaT aBoUt YoU, gAtOr GhOuL?

Gator Ghoul: GeT, oFf Of Me, YoU mAnGy HaIrBaLl!

Jaguaro: *Rubbing his head* Oh, SoRrY, gAtOr GhOuL... *Gets off of Gator Ghoul*

Gator Ghoul: *Growling painfully, tire tracks on his stomach, as he gets up* ThIs Is GoNnA lEaVe A mArK iN tHe MoRnInG...

Tar Monster: ShOuLd We Go AfTeR tHeM?

Gator Ghoul: YeS, oF cOuRsE yOu Go AfTeR tHeM! tHoSe ArE tHe BoSs'S oRdEr'S!

Creeper: CrEePeR! (tHeY lOoK lIkE tHeY'rE hEaDeD tOwArDs ThE cYbEr WoRlD aMuSeMeNt PaRk!)

Gator Ghoul: ThEn ThAt'S wHeRe We'Re GoInG! lEt'S gEt ThEm, LaDs!

*Meanwhile, in the cyber streets*

(Cyber)Shaggy: Like, i think we lost them, Fred.

(Cyber)Fred: That's a relief...a moment longer and we would've been toast.

(Cyber)Daphne: What i don't get is why are they after us?

(Cyber)Velma: I thought they were deleted when the real mystery gang from the real world defeated the Phantom Virus 23 years ago?

(Cyber)Shaggy: The Phantom Virus? Like, i hope he hasn't returned...

(Cyber)Fred: For now, let's just focus on finding Scooby first.

(Cyber)Daphne: Oh...i hope those monster's haven't gotten to him first...

(Cyber)Shaggy: *Leans his head out of the window* SCOOBY DOO?? WHERE ARE YOU??

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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