Chapter 2: Caged

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Author's Note: So I have watched Kung Fu Panda 4 and I did like it to some extent but I got disappointed a bit more than I already was. The movie was only 94 minutes which felt extremely short, I loved the visuals and all of the action sequences and all of the new characters but I felt like the movie could have been a lot better. I loved the  Chameleon and I loved her relationship with Zhen I thought it was interesting but I really wish they explored that more and the Chameleon didn't even do much and the final battle felt rushed and quick. But the main reason I was disappointed was because all of the previous villains did nothing but sit in a cage and the fact they didn't have an arc of their own in the movie, like why bring back fan favourite villains if your not going to give them lines or character development, I guess Tai Lung did get a little development but it felt a bit random. I didn't mind the bit where bowed to Po but I felt like he needed to earn that respect for the villains to bow to him. But most of all I hated that Shen didn't do anything and I thought of so many theories as to what he would do in the movie but none of them came true so that's why I am making this fan fiction so Shen can get the ending he deserves along with the other villains. I hope none of you are offended by my opinion. These were just my thoughts about the film.

Shen slowly opened his eyes, he looked around him and slowly rose from inside the iron cage he was locked in. A sharp pain filled his shoulder; he winced as he clutched the wound with his wing.
He groaned as he stood up, Shen looked through the bars of the cage to see masters of Kung Fu locked up including Master Rhino whom Shen had killed with his weapon many years ago.
Next to him was a Bull who Shen hadn't seen before. He looked to the far right and over in another cage was a snow leopard the same form that the Chameleon had transformed into.
Shen had no idea what was going on. Why was this Chameleon stealing the skills of these Kung Fu masters? Shen had never been skilled in Kung Fu so why would she need to use his martial art skills? Was she trying to be the most powerful person in the world? Or was she trying to rule China? Shen scoffed at the thought. That was his dream to conquer China and for everyone to bow down at his feet, to make his parents proud.

Shen looked at the blood that stained his wing it was wet as he felt it between his finger feathers. He looked at his wounded shoulder, the blood stained his white silver robe and dripped down his shoulder. Shen used his bloody wing and kept it on his shoulder to stop the blood from flowing.
Shen felt the iron bars, they were strong and firm, the design of the cage was a tight enclosed spaced so there wasn't much freedom for a prisoner to roam inside. Shen tried to bump into the cage's bars hoping to escape but the cage didn't budge not an inch. A numbing pain shot through Shen's left shoulder; he grunted and winced and massaged his arm to ease the pain.
Suddenly two Chameleon guards walked up to his cage and chuckled.
"You won't be able to get out" said the first guard.
"The Chameleon has cast ancient magic onto every cage, no one can get out of these so good luck beating yourself up" the second guard said as they both started laughing.
Shen scowled, he felt his patience growing thin. Anger started to rise inside of him, how dare they talk to him like this didn't they know who he was?
"How dare you speak to me like this!" Shen shouted as he tightly gripped the iron bars of the cage. The two Chameleon guards jumped back in fright and scurried away.
Shen held his head high in the air.
"Hmph" he scoffed as he leaned on the side of the cage his bloody wing covering his wound.

In the cage next to Shen the Bull glanced at him for a split second until he muttered under his breath in a low voice "To be locked up in the spirit realm only to come back and get locked up in this tight cage" the Bull huffed.
Shen raised an eyebrow at the Bull.
"From the looks of it you are no Kung Fu master" the Bull said.
Shen rolled his eyes. "You don't say" Shen said turning his back to the Bull.
"Then why would this Chameleon creature take your... skills?"
"How should I know?!" Shen snapped turning back facing the bull.
"I saw the fight you had down there with the guards when you arrived" the Bull said.
"Oh you want to mock me! Is that it? To humiliate me?"
The Bull laughed. "I could. But I have no reason to." Shen looked at the Bull and tilted his head slightly. Shen followed the Bull's eyes to the Chameleon who was still summoning Kung Fu masters down below. The Bull's expression was envious, almost angry, like he wanted what the Chameleon had the power to do. His deep green eyes showed that lust for power, power that Shen had wanted all those years ago when he returned to Gongmen City. The city where he was born, the city where he grew up but it was also the city where he was banished forever and the city where he had been defeated.
Shen blocked out those thoughts from his past and returned his glance to the Bull.
"Who are you?" Shen asked curiously.
"General Kai" Kai said simply.
Kai sighed in frustration.
"I used to be a supreme war lord of all China" said Kai not expecting Shen to know who he was.
"If you were a war lord of China, how come I have never heard of you?"
Kai rolled his eyes and shrugged.
Shen and Kai continued to stare down at The Chameleon. Kai's eyes stared down at the light green staff in the Chameleon's hands.
"That staff" Kai said slowly.
"What about it?" Shen asked.
"That staff she's holding. It belongs to Master Oogway, but how could she have gotten it?" Kai wondered.
Shen didn't know who this Master Oogway was but Kai must have known him somehow.
"Perhaps she found his place of residence and stole it from him" Shen suggested.
"No, it's impossible Oogway is in the spirit realm. That staff can open and close a gateway to the spirit realm and that Chameleon couldn't be from the spirit realm and even if she was Oogway wouldn't have given it to her nor would she have beaten him" said Kai. "But the amount of power that that staff holds, I could do so much with it." Kai smiled with a greedy look on his face almost like he was hypnotised by the staff's power.

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