Act 10

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After meeting Yanfei yesterday, you were now laying in bed after a very a long day of running around and writing a very long letter to your mom who was still in Liyue. For the first time this month, you had received mail from her which notified you of her return. Though happy, you still had the responsibility to tell her of your dad.

Evening was dark but nothing helped calm your mind better than the image of a black canvas accompanied by stars and the moon trying to ease the turmoil swirling in your mind. A dark blue swept your room, accentuating your body in its hues. 

Everything had now been set in motion. After inquiring with your other benefactor, who happened to be consumed by a mass of paperwork about how the operations ran in the court of Fontaine after the Oratrice's demise, you finally were given the latest information on how it ran now which superseded prior court proceedings. You were also thankful that since he was the one who approached you first in the beginning, he allowed the Melusines to give you leeway into his office if an urgent matter surfaced. While that was appreciated, Neuvilette practiced his responsibilities with discipline when in court. This was just common sense and you'd never take advantage of him by connection like that. 

The case would officially start four days from now in the Opera Epiclese. 

With respect to your choice of legal practitioner, according to Neuvilette, one of the fundamental doctrines that Fontaine held in high respect was 'Harmonica Aequilibrium', which posited that justice and order can only be achieved through the delicate balance of individual rights and societal needs, that society functions best when every individual's rights are respected and protected under the watchful eyes of the court, but also when those rights are exercised in consideration of the greater good.  

Basically put, Yanfei was well within your right to seek assistance in this battle with the exact words of 'The petitioners have the legal authority to engage the services of a private attorney, practitioner of law, and or vice versa, who operates outside the jurisdiction of the nation with their respective profession. However, it is imperative that such a figure complies with the legal standards of Fontaine, by admission or approval of the higher court.' Neuvilette happens to be the Iudex, which was the highest form of judicial position in the land, so for him to grant approval in accordance with the law was already akin to a 100% doubt eraser.

Once you had informed Yanfei of the circumstances, she was ecstatic at the idea of representing you but also remained laser-focused once you provided her an account of what happened during those times, even ones where you were not present before the altercation. 

After that fight broke out at the center of the Court of Fontaine, you did do a little backtracking, talking to people who were present at the time of conflict and asking them what really happened according to their perspective at the time. 

While it did seem like your dad had more cons than pros in this matter, the testimonies of witnesses as well as statements from friends and acquaintances of your dad might prove to be of some leverage. That while it was obvious your dad was wrong for succumbing to his physical prowess to solve a dispute, you had to understand why he performed those things. Only through reasoning and seeing of what had happened in the past can mitigation of a penalty be possible.

"Hah... I wonder if they can just let him go if he does community service for months... He'd probably still get paid." You think about that but it did seem outlandish to think that could be stable. The stipends are unbearably low and it wasn't even work. It was just a form of punishment. 

Why did your dad have to sink this low? 

You and Yanfei discussed in length about these accounts, what you could possibly do when you were already out there trying to fight for a winning case. The meeting ended just as quick as it had started but it was visible you were the only one exhausted from going left and right, trying to make this work. 

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