Chapter 3: A Favor

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It was now morning and Alastors eyes shot open as he looked around the room he saw all the blood everywhere that was now more close to a brown color than its previous crimson, his only thought was 'how did I survive that?' he continued to look around but a certain blond caught his eye

He saw the king sat down on a chair next to the bed with his head rested on his arms as a pillow. He couldn't help but stare at him for  moment before his mind wandered and his heart started racing. All of these emotions felt so odd to him, he let his eyes drift aways from Lucifers face and that's when he saw that his hands were coated in blood. he quickly checked his wound, forgetting it entirely in the moment because of all of the new emotions he was experiencing. There was a fresh bandage on his wound, it was slightly bloody but clearly new from the neatness of it. 

'does he care about me?'

Alastor sat there in confusion, why did it matter if Lucifer cared about him, why did he feel like he was going to explode upon seeing Lucifer peacefully sleeping, why was he even thinking so much over such a small thing. his thoughts only stopped once Lucifer opened his eyes doing a small frog blink. Alastor found it oddly cute but still found his feelings to be confusing and didn't know what they were

L: Oh good you survived the night!

A: Did you... did you do that?

he asked while looking at the destroyed bathroom door

L: oh uhh yeah I kinda had to, you locked the door so I-

A: Why didn't you leave me there, I didn't need help and I certainly don't now

L: Are you dumb or something?! do you not see the blood literally everywhere!

he got up and grabbed the blood covered bandage off the floor

L: Did you really think this small amount of bandages would save you from a hit from angelic steel! you went up against Adam it would obviously have been an angelic weapon even to someone that has never seen an angelic weapon before!

A: Just go I'm fine now.


A: What if we made a deal~

L: Right and why would I make a deal with you?

A: Maybe because I have a deal with your daughter

Lucifers horns started to come out after hearing this


A: Calm down I don't own her soul it was just a deal between friends! if you want you could take her place~

Lucifer hesitated before sighing

L: Fine. What do you want

Alastors smile was wide now (How much wider can it get lol)

A: Seeing as you want to help so badly and I've heard that angelic blood has healing properties, you let me have some of your blood!

L: Fine, if it means Charlie isn't in a deal with you anymore

He picked up the knife from the floor from the previous night and conjured a glass.


Lucifer slit open his wrist and allowed the golden blood to trickle down into the glass. the blood coming out of his wrist was a sensation he hadn't felt in a while, he just stared at the blood running down his wrist. as the wound started to close and the blood stopped dripping a thousand memories started flowing back to him

End of SH segment

He handed Alastor the glass

L: there, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go take a shower to get all the damn blood off of me

Alastor drank the blood as Lucifer left the room. once he had made it back to his room his mind flooded with memories of what life was like before Lilith left and took Charlie with her. As he was thinking about how much he still missed Lilith a thought crossed his mind did he love Alastor? if he did then that would mean he was in some way gay right? Charlie might not take that well, she still loved her mother dearly and hoped one day they could all be a family again.

'I'm such a shitty dad' he sank to his knees and quietly cried

Hellooooo sorry that was kinda short but like halfway through I decided to change it to an angst chapter and didn't feel like re writing it so it got a bit messy soooo yeah hope yall enjoyed it though :>

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