Chapter 7: Taking Risks

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Everyone in the hotel was doing their own thing, Charlie was talking to Vaggie as per usual until she noticed something that was not so usual. She walked up to her dad who was staring at Alastor from afar.

C: Hey dad!

Charlie startled Lucifer since he was so stuck in his thoughts he didn't even notice her walk up to him

L: AaA oh hey Charlie! (Plz help idk how to type noises 🥲) Whats up?

Charlie chuckled a bit before looking over at Alastor then back at her dad

C: Got anything on your mind? Or should I say anyone

L: Whaaaat noooo! What makes you think that?

C: dad you were just staring at Alastor for like a solid minute you can't tell me you DON'T like him

L: I don't lie him! I just think he's nice to be around and that his voice sounds nice and his eyes are beautiful and his ears look so soft and fuck I'm in love aren't I

C: Glad you can admit it haha

L: But haven't you always wanted me and your mother to get back together? Y'know be a happy family and stuff? You have talked about it before and-

C: Dad! It's okay, I'm happy if you're happy! I haven't seen you this happy in ages! Well I haven't really seen you much at all in ages but before mom left you seemed pretty sad especially when she finaly did leave but with Alastor you seem happy and honestly you seem to be dealing with mom a bit better now.

Charlie said as she picked up Lucifer's hands and held them in hers. The only thing that felt different about holding her dad's hands was the fact there was no longer a golden wedding ring on his finger

C:I think you should go for it dad!

L: WHAT! There is no way in all of the seven rings of hell he likes ME! I may like him but he definitely doesn't feel the same.

C: I wouldn't jump to conclusions if I were you! Al has never been like this around anyone since he showed up here! It's been like what, 7 months since we started the hotel? In all that time this past month since the extermination he has seemed so much more, I don't know but just enjoying the afterlife more for the people in it less for the murder and pain!

L: I'm not the most skilled at romance or people in general for that matter, what am I supposed to do?

C: hmmmmmm OH I HAVE AN IDEA! Maybe you could take him to that old walking path we always went on? The weather is perfect for a walk!

L: Okay okay fine. I'll try to tell him how I feel

C: YES! I should go back over with Vaggie now, good luck!
As she left Lucifer started to walk over to Alastor who had been looking out the window for some time now.

A: It's such a nice day out don't you think?
Alastor was trying to take some advice Rosie had given him on romance and unintentionally helped Lucifer out with his plan

L: Yeah it is isn't it, do you uh want to go on a walk with me?
Alastor felt his heart skip a beat upon seeing the king slightly blush as he looked the other way trying to hide it

A: A walk sounds quite nice actually!

L: Cool! I know a place we can go i-if you want to

Lucifers nerves were getting to him as he stuttered and each word had a touch of embarrassment

A: Sure, I mean you made most of this place so it would only make sense you knew where to go

They left the hotel and headed to the trail. It was one of the only well kept places in hell with flowers and nature left untouched. It wa rare to find such a place in hell but a few did exist and this one in specific Lucifer used to go to with Charlie. This trail held such a special place in his heart and he hoped he could share it with someone he wanted to let into his heart.

They had been walking for a while, chatting, admiring the scenery but as the trail was coming close to making it back to the start Lucifer knew what he needed to do, a much as he didn't want to he would try just like he said he would.

L: I uh I have something I wanted to talk to you about Al

A: What is it?

Lucifer started to panic and blurted out a mess of words barley comprehensive but luckily Alastor had gotten used to him speaking quickly on occasion and could understand every word

L: Doyouwantogooutwithme [do you want to go out with me]

There was a moment of silence and right before Alastor was going to speak up Lucifer started running back to the hotel



Alastor chased after Lucifer as he ran back to the hotel holding back tears from the immediate regret he felt from asking such a question.

Lucifer burst through the door and Alastor followed quickly behind him trying to stop him. Everyone in the hotel went silent and Charlie started to worry that maybe her dad wa right about Alastor not liking him back. It was quiet for a bit until someone spoke up breaking the silence

AD: see whiskers, told ya they had a thing for each other!

Charlie glared at angel

AD: Whaaaat it's true ain't it!

(937 words) I want to continue this chapter but I feel like it would end up too long and I also have to go to bed soon and I don't want to keep y'all waiting for much longer so hope you sinners are happy to finally be fed again :3
(Any wonky stuff I would probably blame on the Wattpad app hating me)

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