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Blood poured into my mouth and I swallowed it. It felt so good to have blood, I hadn't fed in awhile. I wasn't going to kill the young man, I was simply going to feed off of him for a few weeks by taking small proportions of his blood. But the catch is that he'll slowly start to get sick, become pale, and finally become a vampire.

I devoured the delicious blood, lapping it up like a dog laps water when it's thirsty from roaming the unknown territory.

"Snow?" A familiar voice said.

I stopped enjoying the blood from the young man's veins and looked up at who the voice came from. The young man fell limp against the brick wall, not dead, just unconscious.

I wiped the blood off of my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket and smiled wide. "Archer!" I exclaimed. I ran into his strong arms and wrapped mine around his muscular torso.

"I thought I lost you when the wolves attacked," He said into the crook of my neck.
Archer Allen was a vampire and he and I were very close. By very close, I mean we used to date. He and I stayed friends although we still loved one another.
"I thought I lost you too, Arch." I said, hugging him tight.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Snow."

I kissed his cheek tenderly and smiled at him. We had dated for a long time until the werewolves attacked which forced me to leave our home, leaving Archer behind. I didn't have feelings for him anymore, but I still cared a lot for him.

"How's Onyx?" I asked. Onyx was the vampire kingdom, the place the wolves destroyed, and he and I's home. Well, used to be my home.

Our hug ended and I noticed that his face fell. Onyx must have been pretty bad, I hoped my parents were okay, I hadn't seen them since the attack.

"Oh, Snow," Archer had tears in his eyes which was blood since vampires cried blood. "Onyx isn't under our control anymore. It's not the vampire kingdom. The Werewolf King controls it now."

"Let me guess, it's Oliver Lockhart, isn't it?" I said.

He shook his head. "No, it's someone far worse." His eyes were glowing blood red. "It's Cole Kane."

My heart, if it were still beating, would've stopped right then and there. "No, no, no. It can't be him. He's probably already killed everyone we love, including my parents."

"Your parents and mine are totally fine. So are Sam and Lilly. Everyone we know are perfectly fine," Archer said. Sam and Lilly were his little brother and sister, they were the cutest kid vampires I'd ever met.

"Okay," I let out a long breath. "Hey, Arch?"

"Yeah, Snow?"

"I never stopped loving you," I said, "but I've fallen for someone else. I just want you to know you'll always be in my thoughts."

I could tell I was hurting him, but he deserved to know that I'd fallen in love with Kaden, even though he was an asshole sometimes.

"And I'll always love you, Snow." He said. He smiled and said, "But can I just do something really fast?"

"Sure, Arch. What is it?"

Suddenly, a pair of ice cold lips are on mine. My lips reacted immediately, kissing his soft ones. It had been a few months since we'd last kissed each other and to be honest, I missed it, but I wanted to be with Kaden. Archer would always be my first love, but it was time that I moved on, him too.

Our kiss ended and he pressed our foreheads together. His hand came up to push a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I gotta go, Snow. I hope I see you in my dreams. I love you, remember that." And then, he was gone, leaving me sad for the one hundredth time in my life.

Vampires, Werewolves, and Hybrids (A Novella)Where stories live. Discover now