Henry Weathers

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The afternoon sun dipped through the shaded windows,the curtains shifting very slowly.Melody stirred and very carefully,sat up as she opened her eyes.As her vision focused,she blinked groggily and took in her surroundings.She was in a medium sized bedroom with the lights off and the curtains shut beside her.The wallpaper was a light,pale yellow colour that stopped at the roof.Next to her was a bedside table with three large books stacked in a pile with a papers peeking through the mess.

The room was quite bare,hardly any furniture except for a few mannequins with sheets over them and an open closet with a few stray lab coats hanging in them.Melody slowly crawled out of the bed and her feet landed on a rough but comforting carpet.She turned to the large mirror propped up across from her and jumped as she was met with her sudden reflection.She looked down to see her chest and torso completely wrapped up in bandages,her side bloodstained.Her brown shorts were still the same though.She turned to see her button up hanging on a hook attached to the door,crisp and clean.

Buttoning the shirt up,she peered outside and saw a bare hallway followed by more unoccupied bedrooms.She walked quietly to the end of the hallway and almost tripped over as she looked down and saw her boots sitting where she had tripped over.Mumbling impatient profanities at tripping over,Melody sat down grumpily and pulled her boots on.
She shouted incoherently.Walking through the room,she walked right into a living room with a puffy,leather couch and an old box tv that was showing static.She turned to the arched entrance behind the couch and saw the kitchen.
'Where am I supposed to go?'
She turned to walk into the kitchen but stopped as he saw an open door leading down.A basement.Yay.Melody groaned and dragged her feet.
She said aloud.

Walking down the creaking steps,she stopped at the bottom to see two futuristic looking doors with an intercom and speaker on the top.She walked up to it,arms behind her back but froze and jumped as she was suddenly sprayed down with something that smelt medicinal and sour.
"Ew!Gross!What the hell!?"
"Calm down.It's just something to protect you from chemicals that could corrupt your body and fatally harm you."
Melody turned,frowning at the intercom.The doors suddenly swept open,making a mechanical sound as it's gears turned.The doors moved away from each other to reveal a very large room with wooden floors.The room arched up and revealed a glass ceiling that showed off the cloudless sky.There was a total of ten desks set up around the room,each cluttered and filled with papers and ink splattered everywhere.

In the middle,there was a humongous green,decaying plant growing from the wooden panels,it's roots growing from the base.The plant was a large,looming creature baring sharp canines and thorns growing on it's stem body. . .thing.Melody stepped closer,staring at it.It's head slowly lolled around,staring at her.
"What the. . ."
The creature hissed and lunged down,ready to attack her but the creature suddenly stopped and emitted a groaning sound before collapsing.Melody gasped and stepped closer to see a syringe wedged into it's stem.The syringe was filled with a pink liquid that was disappearing into it's body.
"Don't mind her,Petunia still can't understand the rules of not eating my guests."

Melody turned and saw a boy standing behind her,holding a harpoon gun,but instead of harpoons,it was loaded with syringes.The boy was tall with pale,almost sickly skin with well trimmed blonde hair.He was wearing one of the lab coats with a striped t-shirt on underneath.He was wearing burned stained denim shorts with black galoshes with the same burns on the rubber.Over his eyes,he was wearing a pair of yellow glassed goggles while his hands were covered by black gloves.Melody raised her eyebrows,
"Your the guy I heard before.You helped me?"
She asked.The boy nodded and walked next to her,still holding the gun.
"I was trained to professionally help the wounded.I'm a somewhat doctor to this town.Since here-"
The boy flourished a hand to the area around them,
"Is where they all come to.But I don't mind.My name is Henry but I already know who you are.Melody Freyon."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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