Chapter One: Lost in the Woods

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It was an early January morning and the air was cold. My eyes opened slowly and my eyes drifted to my clock on my night stand. my eyes widened when I noticed the time was 8:59.

"Shit! I'll be late for school!" I shouted as I wripped off my oversized short that I used as PJs since in my household we didn't buy PJs we just used comfy oversized clothes.

I busted through my bathroom door and got in my birthday suit before turning on the water at a noticeable hot setting but I liked showering in lava
I grabbed soap and a sponge and began washing everything I could off.

After I finished my shower and ran back into my room and started getting changed. It was cold today so I put on a pair of ripped jeans with black tights/leggings underneath and a white T-shirt and a F/C sweater on top before grabbing my backpack and phone and looked down at my phone to check the time one last time.

"Bitch! it's Saturday!" I told myself as I threw my phone back on my bed and put my backpack down.

"I seriously need to stop doing that!" I said angrily before I took off my shoes and didn't take off my clothes.

"ugh, sometimes I hate weekends because I do nothing but read, write, draw and boring stuff!" I murmured to myself as I picked up my phone and started texting my best friend.

Y/N: "Hey, F/N"

I waited for a while but they didn't text back. This began to become something regular... My friends started to ignore me and said I'm annoying and weird. We practically shared the same interests! maybe because I took it too far? I mean, I wrote fanfiction on a single character but that doesn't mean I'm weird. I'm just passionate.

My friend's group started to stop talking to me. One of them can't even look at me. Another hits me and calls me names. ugh, I was such a push over! I need to have a backbone.

"Fuck them. I don't need them!" I said angrily as I crossed my arms and looked out the window. The forest looked lovely, on this cold January morning the only thing that seemed to make me feel better was the forest.

My parents were at work so I was alone. I took a deep breath and hopped off bed, slipped on my shoes. I took my backpack and put in a journal, digital camera, mechanical pencil with extra lead in them just in case and started walking down the stairs. I went to the kitchen and took a couple snacks and two water bottles since I knew myself pretty well and knew I would finish one in less than an hour.

I wanted to take pictures of the forest and see if I found something pretty on this icy cold morning on this depressing month! I giggled as I started walking out of the front door and heard the dead grass underneath my feet as I walked towards the forest. Was it loneliness making me do this? was it an impulsive decision? I don't know but I want to go into the forest.

When I entered deeper into the forest the atmosphere felt different. I felt watched. I took my digital camera out and started taking pictures. A small smile spread on my lips as I took pics. I drew some trees, a small lake nearby. I heard a whistle.

Do birds even chirp in the winter. I haven't been outside in months... My skin was starting to become paler from not being outside. My eyes started becoming sensitive from the sun... I began developing eye bags from a lack of sleep....

As I was thinking I was interrupted by another whistle but this one was much closer. I looked around me and started to feel uncomfortable. I gripped my sketchbook against my chest before I quickly put it in my backpack. I looked at my surroundings with a worried expression.

I kept hearing whistles, was I going crazy!? No... No I'm not. I heard it perfectly it can't be something regarding my sanity. I took out my digital camera and kept it ready to take any pics just in case. I heard faint tics and cracking. I started to walk away calmly. I knew if I ran I would possibly get chased down if I was being actually watched.

"Is someone following?" I shouted as I turned around. Nothing...

"Please... If you're following me don't hurt me... I just wanted to take pictures and draw." I announced to whoever or whatever was making the tics, whistling, cracking...

As I kept walking I thought... I shouldn't walk back home... The thigh or person following me would know where I live. I'm smarter than this but the nearest police station was thirty minutes away by foot.

Wait... where even am I!? Shit! I'm lost and I'm possibly being followed by someone! This is the end of me... Well, If I'm dying I'm dying happy!

I sat down underneath a tree and took out my favorite candy and popped it in my mouth. The candy made me feel better but I feel scared and paranoid that someone or something is following me.







It's been hours... It was noon by now. The weather was only getting colder and I'm starting to think I'm just going deeper into the forest. The trees made everything darker in the forest, the cold, crisp air biting my nose and the cold was unbearable.

The forest seemed endless... Whistles, tics, cracks...

"Ha... haha... hahaha.... HAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed out of frustration and tears started streaming down my face as I couldn't find my way back home.

"Whoever or whatever is following me please help me! I know something or someone is following me! please!" I cried out of frustration.

Before I could even say another word I felt something hit the back of my head and knock me out. A pair of arms wrapped around my limp body not letting me hit the hard and cold forest floor...

(1031 word count.)

The Man From The Forest (Ticci Tobyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now