Chapter 2

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As they turned around and beheld the figure standing before them, a silence enveloped the room, a silence they never thought they would experience again. It was Neil, who had died a few months ago. Shock etched itself onto the faces of everyone present, frozen in disbelief. Abhimanyu's heart pounded with a mixture of joy and concern as he stepped forward tentatively, his arms open wide. He enveloped Neil in a tight embrace, feeling the weight of his absence dissolve at that moment. Neil reciprocated the hug, his hand lingering on Abhimanyu's back, a silent reassurance passing between them.

However, the reunion took a poignant turn as Neil, though embraced by Manjari and Arohi, didn't reciprocate their hugs. Abhimanyu, sensing the subtle shifts, noted the absence of warmth in Neil's response. Arohi and Manjari, lost in their own emotions, remained unaware of the underlying tension.

Once the tears subsided, Neil gently withdrew from the embraces, his gaze sweeping across the assembled family. Clouded with a mix of anger and disappointment, his eyes lingered on Arohi and Manjari. Abhimanyu gave a worried glance to Neil, sensing the shift in the atmosphere.

Neil's disappointment and hurt, became evident as he looked directly at Abhimanyu, a silent question hanging in the air between them. Arohi, finally noticing the tension, turned to Neil with concern, asking, "What happened, Neil? Why did you push us away?"

Neil's gaze shifted to Arohi, a shadow of pain crossing his face. "Where is Akshara Bhabhi, Arohi?" he questioned, his tone laden with anger and disappointment. The room fell into an uneasy silence as the unanswered question cast a pall over the once-promising reunion, leaving emotions hanging in the air, unresolved.

Manjari couldn't contain her anger and blurted out, "Why are you asking about that woman? She's responsible for what happened to you." Neil's gaze hardened as he turned to her, prompting her to continue. 

"Do you even know why we went out that day & where?" Neil questioned, his voice tinged with frustration. Manjari responded, "Yes, she took you to the concert despite knowing how complicated her pregnancy was."

Neil shook his head in disbelief. "Do you truly believe Bhabhi was that irresponsible? Why don't you ask Shifali Bhabhi why we went out?" All eyes turned to Shifali, who wore a shocked expression. Finally, she confessed, "Akshara was having stomach cramps, and Neil took her to the hospital." Shock rippled through the room as the truth came to light.

Despite the revelation, Manjari and Arohi remained unconvinced. Arohi persisted, "Even then, she was the reason you fought with the goons." Neil locked eyes with her, countering, "Those girls were in danger. Do you think I would have stayed back? That Akshara Bhabhi forced me to fight the goons? I did what was right. What if it were our daughter in danger?"

Neil then turned to Manjari and Arohi, their refusal to meet his gaze speaking volumes. "If it were Akshara Bhabhi who died instead of me, would you have blamed her? Would you have called me a murderer? Would you have treated me like you treated her? Tell me, would you have done that?" They remained silent, knowing the answer all too well.

Turning to Abhimanyu, Neil pressed on, "Tell me, would you have blamed me for your wife's death? Would you have called me a murderer as well?" Abhimanyu recoiled, the weight of guilt crashing over him as memories flooded back. He realized the extent of his mistakes, feeling a thousand times worse under his brother's piercing scrutiny.

Harsh, who had been standing in shock, snapped out of his reverie at Neil's questions. "There's no point in talking to them," he declared, his voice tinged with frustration. "They'll never accept their fault." With a glare at the three, though his intensity softened when he looked at Abhimanyu, he then approached and hugged Neil, seeking solace in their shared grief.

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