Chapter 3

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The air crackled with anticipation as the Fates, their faces unreadable, revealed their decision. "We have decided to send you to an alternate reality. The wish you had has been granted," Clotho said solemnly, her voice carrying a weight that left the group in a state of uneasy anticipation.

Confusion clouded their expressions, and together, they asked, "What wish?" The Fates turned their gaze towards Arohi and Manjari, the creators of the secret desire that now held the power to reshape their destinies.

"The wish you made a few days ago," Lachesis clarified, her eyes penetrating the very depths of their souls. Arohi and Manjari, caught off guard, exchanged a glance that betrayed the gravity of their secret yearning.

Arohi, barely audible, confessed with a trembling voice, "We wish that Akshara had never returned to Udaipur."

The room fell into a heavy silence, burdened by the weight of this confession. Abhimanyu and Neil's expressions twisted with anger and betrayal as they glared at Manjari, their eyes ablaze with fury and disbelief. Meanwhile, Harsh, Mimi, and Kairav's faces burned with fury, their brows furrowed in intense anger, while others processed the shock and disappointment, their faces etched with sorrow and confusion.

It was in this quiet stillness that the Fates, with an air of solemnity, declared, "Your wish has been fulfilled. Now, all of you will continue your lives in this reality. Good luck."

Everyone kept quiet, trying to accept this situation as they knew they had no other choice. Suddenly, Abhimanyu, his voice trembling with desperation, spoke up, "Wait, what about my Akshu?" The group turned to him, their eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and apprehension.

The Fates regarded Abhimanyu with solemn expressions. "Did you not wonder why you couldn't find her?" Clotho questioned softly, her tone carrying a hint of sorrow. "Her soul departed from that world a while ago. Yet, know this, she exists in this alternate reality, and yet she does not."

Before anyone could react, the Fates vanished, leaving the group in a state of disoriented bewilderment. Suddenly finding themselves in Goenka's mansion, the gravity of the revelation dawned upon them. They hadn't even realized they had lost Akshara; she was all alone at that moment, and there they were celebrating.

Abhimanyu dropped to his knees, his anguished cry piercing the air as he screamed out, "Akshu!" All the emotions he had bottled up came flooding out, and he broke down, his body trembling with grief and regret.

The rest of the group fared no better. Mimi, in her wheelchair, leaned back, tears streaming down her face, as Kairav leaned in to embrace her in a comforting hug. Both of them wept, overwhelmed by the realization that Akshara had been behaving strangely for a few days, and they hadn't noticed the signs.

Meanwhile, Harsh's fists clenched in frustration and self-blame. He was angry at himself for not realizing that something was wrong when he had last spoken to Akshara a few days ago. These three were the only ones who had been in touch with her, and now they struggled with the weight of their failure to recognize the distress she must have been in.

Manish, Swarna, Surekha, and Akhilesh were consumed by guilt as they realized their failure to protect Kartik and Naira's daughter. Vansh, who had returned from the US a few days prior, had only recently learned of the tragic events. He withdrew into himself, unable to face the weight of the situation, confiding only in Mimi, Kairav, and Harsh.

The rest of the Birla family shared in the collective sense of remorse. Each member struggled with their own feelings of responsibility, haunted by the knowledge that they had not been able to prevent another tragedy.

Meanwhile, Manjari and Arohi weren't burdened by guilt but by Neil's evident anger towards them. Despite the accusations and criticisms, they still struggled to accept their fault, clinging to explanations for their actions and refusing to acknowledge their wrongdoing.

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